THREAD(long but necessary): Whats the deal with successful psychopaths?

Successful PSYCHOPATHS (here represented by the GOP) believe in & are loyal to NOTHING except their own criming and the sadistic rush of glee (pleasure) they get from the power to harm/oppress & cause 1/
the sickness, suffering & death of others while getting over. That PSYCHOPATHS have convinced y'all they actually believe in what they say such that you think it's a legitimate acceptable reason & justification for what they do, IS THE ULTIMATE CON.  
The only Question here: 2/
Does America get this now or has all the focus on Trump WHO IS A PSYCHOPATH (DSM5 ASPD w/psychopathy along with a cabal of appointees & the GOP) and the heretofore publicly sensationalized but bogus diagnoses of Malignant Narcissism usurped both the conversation and 3/
the ability to recognize for Americans to recognize & deal with the SUCCESSFUL PSYCHOPATHS among us who in fact RARELY ACT ALONE but rather in packs to more successfully bend your perception of reality, to their will.

That Americans are grossly taken in by psychopaths should 4/
come as NO SURPRISE because White Cultural Norms are steeped in the deeply psychopathic narrative of White Supremacy and misogyny, the results of which in terms of economic success popularity and power, been glorified admired and aspired to. What else can you call success 5/
supported by & maintained via privilege? And contrary to popular belief, there is no ignorance here, ignorance implies you don't know any better but the fact that most WP's POV & actions are geared towards maintaining that privilege suggests, 6/
NO TELLS us WP absolutely do know, we all do!

The words we use to give folks, WP the benefit of the doubt and to avoid the discomfort of confrontation will always backfire on us because to extend the meaning of those words in reality,  requires that we believe in the honesty 7/
and sincerity of either the psychopaths engaged in wrongdoing or the psychopathic norms embedded in White culture. As long as we give the benefit of the doubt when buying the excuses psychopaths use, PSYCHOPATHS VIA CRIMINAL ACTIVITY, WILL CONTINUE TO MAINTAIN THE UPPER HAND 8/
WITHIN THE POWER STRUCTURES OF AMERICAN SOCIETY. If we do not wake up and get that no one is as stupid or as ignorant as we give them credit for, criminals will continue TO RUN THIS COUNTRY AND ALL THOSE OF GOODWILL, INTO THE GROUND. 

While this may sound like a jaded POV, 9/
it's not; and is backed by years of academic, research and clinical training and experience resulting in 3 advanced degrees. What I am pointing to are essentially the CLINICAL FACTS of the matter here which effectively and unfortunately translates into the prison of our 10/
LIVED REALITY at present. None of us can change this alone and a Nov 20 Biden win, though optimal, will still not change the pathological construct of America's cultural norms. But a Biden will, if we actually f_cking get at a visceral gut level who, what and how successful 11/
PSYCHOPATHS get over on us and clean not just house but the cultural norms that built this house, give us a fighting chance of finally actualizing the full bloom of a fair and equitable democratic society as aspired to in the constitution if we have the balls to 12/
recognize and tell the truth.

I realize what I am calling for here is by no means a small feat, but it is one we of COLLECTIVE goodwill, humanity & civility can together make manifest, BUT ONLY IF WE HAVE THE COURAGE TO FACE THE PSYCHOPATHY EMBEDDED IN W. AMERICAN CULTURE & 13/
Perk: We will then no longer be sitting ducks & patsies for the whims, sadism, cruelty, pain, greed and criminality of successful psychopaths among us.

I'll close with an observation: In the mythological land of America where White men 14/
in particular & WP in whole, take such pride and pleasure from their singular & collective identity as theI stoic "Rugged Individual", who's believed to be capable of all things via hard work and individual responsibility, it then boggles the mind that when WM specifically 15/
& WP/White Culture in whole, are CONFRONTED WITH WRONGDOING (whether by current nefarious, criminal, inhumane or immoral acts collectively or by simply clinging to & maintaining [for their own & their children's advantage] the inherited legacy benefits of WHITENESS, for which 16/
all others suffered & died when forced to produce for Whiteness; the largesse from which is carried over via inherited present day legacy benefits, that requires continuing oppression & suffering to maintain via a wholly immoral & inhumane institution of systemic racism, 17/
misogyny & guaranteed inequity) & asked to take responsibility, by sharing in an equitable manner, the ill-gotten gains & benefits of their legacy inheritance, they (meaning WM in particular & WP/W. Culture in whole) COLLAPSE INTO A VICTIMHOOD NARRATIVE & IDENTITY absent all 18/
traces of any stoic "Rugged Individual" who regardless of what hes/shes handed (so the myth goes), takes responsibility & endeavors to right all wrongs along the way. Ironically, what now stands in place of that formerly stoic "Rugged Individual", IS A/THE HOLLOWED OUT BASKET 19/
CASE OF A SCREECHING WHITE MAN that unbelievably & to my further amazement, everyone rushes to cater to. 

If this were family therapy, the prescriptive treatment would be to inform your 13 year old son, whos behaving like a 3 year old that "he's confined to his room 20/
until he is done with his pity party and gets that as a WHOLE FAMILY/COUNTRY, sharing, equality, and equitability are not optional & when he's ready to actually put in, in the spirit of collective goodwill & humanity, he can rejoin the family/country already in progress;" 21/
and then mom, dad, close the door and BE about your progress (y'all keep looking for the adult in the room like children instead of recognizing YOU ARE THE ADULTS & BEHAVING THUSLY).

When he emerges, Mom/Dad need to be modeling the behavior and most of all the sprint & 22/
attitude of "we are in this together and until all have equitable means, access to health, food, education employment etc, are equally protected via system of justice, & amends made for OUTSTANDING DEBTS THAT HAVE YET TO BE PAID, it is our obligation as a family/country to 23/
continue working on this which means YOU NOW HAVE TO WORK FOR WHAT WAS PREVIOUSLY HANDED TO YOU JUST BECAUSE YOUR SKIN IS WHITE AND YOU HAVE A PEEN. The good news is, you are more than capable. The bad news son, is more of a reality check here because to continue down the 24/
previous path of exploitation at the expense of others for y/our own comfort & benefit is criminal & if you continue in that manner, it will be my sad fate to visit you in prison." 

The reality is, (and this where clinical truths, life and reality intersect) that until 25/
we confront & get the pathology of who we've been, who we've catered to, the qualities & values we've idolized and who we are now, WE HAVE NO POSSIBILITY OF FIXING, CHANGING OR HEALING THE PRESENT DAY REALITIES OF TRUMP/GOP.  In other words, if we abdicate our responsibility 26/
to reshape the pathological dynamics & norms that have & do provide the justification for man's INHUMANITY to man, we will, almost certainly run right off the cliff via the ongoing musical chairs of social & political brinksmanship. 27/
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