I have a radical friend I speak to periodically for my dosage of the batty shit passing for "black militancy." He lives in Bed Stuy. I asked him about the escalation in violence in Brooklyn. He said it was getting bad. I asked would more police help. He emphatically said NO!
He accused black leaders who were asking for more police of being "house ni@@as." When asked for the alternative, he responded, "REPARATIONS." Somehow he has some number of 400k for every 'ADOS' as the figure. Maybe that came from those online grifters pushing that platform.
Personally, I believe that kind of infusion would just give predators more incentive to kill. If they'll kill you over some Nikes, good gracious, can you imagine 400k? He didn't appreciate my humor. This man is 54 and college educated. College ain't what it's cracked up to be.
My godson's dad went to prison for robbing the weed dealer on a different floor in his same project building in Staten Island. Did 10yrs. Was his second state sentence. Upon his release he got a job working for some Jews in a warehouse. Wouldn't you know it, he hit the lotto.
The cash option was 2 million. His Jewish boss told him you need to invest this money. Put some away for a rainy day. He thought the Jew was trying to swindle him so he quit and went on a spending spree. He bought a few cars form himself and cars for family and girlfriends.
He then hired several bodyguards so he could walk around the hood looking like Money Mayweather. He put a condo in a woman's name and like his role model Mayweather, made it "rain" in the strip club a few times with over 60k in cash EACH time. He was living his best life.
Needless to say he was broke in under 2 years. He started trying to extract money from all the people he gave money to and bought things for. Of course they had nothing for him, and if you know like I know even if they did, they'd act like they didn't.
One guy owed him a few grand. He demanded his money and was shot several times following a heated exchange between the two. In ICU 2 detectives visited him to get leads. They said, "You're lucky to be alive. You hit the fucking lotto TWICE!" As for him, he's back in the projects.
Listen, I come from the bottom. The black people trying to make a career advocating for blacks from the bottom are usually middle class black folk who want to use their establishment credentials. education or fame to be a spokesperson for people they have little in common with.
Anyone promoting giving people who never had even 5k at one time 6 or 7 figures in one shot are setting these people up for drastic failure and worse. Money empowers you to be who you really are. If you're a fool with money you'll be a fool to the 10th power.
What we need in the black community first and foremost is a CULTURAL shift. One that emphasizes traditional values. Hard work, NUCLEAR Family, a strong sense of community. As long as degenerates, minstrels and trollops are who our kids idolize we are doomed.
The sad truth is we're going to have to sacrifice an entire generation or two to turn this thing around. We have to focus on OUR young. Our enemies certainly are. We gotta meet them head on. The others are already lost. Let God sort them out.
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