Hello, friends! @AngryBlackLady here: https://twitter.com/AngryBlackLady/status/1285665846308884482?s=20
Planned Parenthood of Greater New York announced today that it has decided to remove Margaret Sanger’s name from the Manhattan Health Center.
“The removal of Margaret Sanger’s name from our building is both a necessary and overdue step to reckon with our legacy and acknowledge Planned Parenthood’s contributions to historical reproductive harm within communities of color.” - Karen Seltzer, PPNY Board Chair
That means anti-choicers are all over god’s green internet gloating about how they were right all along.

See! Even Planned Parenthood is finally admitting that Margaret Sanger wanted to turn Black babies into designer handbags for radical leftists!! We were right!
Planned Parenthood FINALLY ADMITS ties to eugenics, according to this guy: https://twitter.com/MattMackowiak/status/1285591914042064897?s=20
(Except that Planned Parenthood Federation of America has long ✌🏾admitted✌🏾 its founder Margaret Sanger’s ties to eugenics.)
PPNY decides its FINALLY TIME to condemn Margaret Sanger for her racism and support for eugenics, per this person. https://twitter.com/xan_desanctis/status/1285600143383953413?s=20

Except, again, this isn’t the first time that the organization has condemned Sanger.
Here’s PPFA discussing and condemning Sanger’s ties to eugenics in connection with the organization’s 100th anniversary. https://www.plannedparenthood.org/files/9214/7612/8734/Sanger_Fact_Sheet_Oct_2016.pdf
GOP spokesperson Elizabeth Harrington says that Planned Parenthood should close up shop because “Planned Parenthood has fulfilled Sanger's mission: 19 million black babies have been aborted since 1973.” https://twitter.com/LizRNC/status/1285607988733136899?s=20
I love when people like Elizabeth Harrington pretend to care about Black babies.

I would bet good money that Harrington has never expressed a modicum of concern about Black mothers, babies, or women, aside from virtue signaling about Black babies and abortion.
Also, the United States was built on the backs of Black people—

so much so that dozens of corporations and universities WOULD NOT EXIST if they hadn’t profited from the sale of Black people.

So if PPFA has to close up shop according to GOP orthodoxy, then so does this country.
But more importantly—and I’m going to type this loudly so everyone can hear it—


It is a persistent lie that anti-choicers cling to the way Jack Dawson clinged to that raft. (Clinged? Clang? Clung? Either way, move over Rose!)

Here are Sanger’s words in 1945. Does this sound like someone hellbent on Black genocide? No it does not. https://www.nyu.edu/projects/sanger/webedition/app/documents/show.php?sangerDoc=320145.xml
And it is a lie that the New York Times unfortunately perpetuates by claiming that PPNY’s decision to drop Sanger’s name creates an “unusual alignment” between the clinic and people like Ted Cruz and Ben Carson. 🤨
Because… No.

There is no alignment—unusual or otherwise—between PPNY leadership on the one hand, and Ted Cruz and Ben Carson on the other.
But let me tell you what truly bothers me about this narrative about Sanger’s complicated relationship with communities of color.

First, let’s take another look at what Karen Seltzer, PPNY’s board chair said when she made the announcement: https://twitter.com/Rewire_News/status/1285669166159147008
Sanger’s birth control legacy certainly lead to reproductive harms in communities of color and I’m glad PPNY is attempting to redresss that.

Advocates SHOULD try to redress that.

But few people talk about how grossly ableist Margaret Sanger was.
Antichoicers hyperfocus on her racist views—and yeah, she held some pretty racist views—but Margaret Sanger wasn’t trying to eradicate any particular ethnic group.

She WAS trying to eradicate people with disabilities.

Flat out.
Margaret Sanger wanted to stop poor people and the “insane and feeble minded” to stop breeding, irrespective of their race.

When she talked about racial betterment, she meant bettering the human race by sterilizing people with disabilities.
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