Not sure there's really any practical way to do this, but the president's order does put Dems in the position of publicly supporting the counting of illegal aliens for purposes of apportioning House seats among the states. So if each House seats includes ~700K people, & you…
…include illegals in that tally, the vote of a citizen in Southern Calif., where there are lots of illegals, counts more than the vote of one in, say, southern Ohio. Excluding them arguably violates Art.1, sec. 2, but *including* them may violate Baker v. Carr one-man-one-vote.
And as the 2016 SCOTUS case suggests, including illegals in the census count doesn't just give California more pull in Congress compared to other states, but it redistributes political power *within* states, as well, giving LA, for example, extra seats in the state legislature.
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