The timing for Phase 4 doesn't seem to make any sense.

Consider this: Last Monday, we had one active case. Today, we have 41.

And consider this: Last week, the test positive rate was 0.16%. Today, it's 1.03%.

The reason for the spike originates with travel.

Poor optics.
Furthermore, for the entirety of this pandemic in Manitoba, the government has leaned on its people to do the right thing. People endured a lock down, travel restrictions, etc. and, while tough, could be proud of the success they helped create.
It has been drilled into Manitobans to remain vigilant. To avoid unnecessary travel. To stay home as much as possible. Fear has come with that. People are scared of a virus that, 100 miles to the south, is ravaging a first-world country like no other.
Manitobans have done, by and large, everything that has been asked of them. Today's announcement was only going to be met with the furor of those people who have sacrificed for the safety of others.
And to expect people to not live in fear when that has been part of the message for four months or so isn't going to change overnight. And people aren't going to suddenly flip a switch when they can see the damage caused by similar moves in other jurisdictions.
Manitobans have had much to be proud about given their response to COVID-19 and the low numbers seen here. Phase 4, and particularly lifting travel restrictions to Canadian hot spots, seems like a slap in the face to everyone who has listened and adhered so diligently.
Phase 4 seems to undermine all of that hard work to recoup a few $$$. The reason why Manitoba is where it is at, in terms of its COVID success, is that — even begrudgingly at times — its people stayed the course.
You can follow @ScottBilleck.
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