From 6/14 to 7/14 (about 30 days), I had zero caffeine

Since 7/14, I've had coffee every day


- my experience
- why I'm quitting caffeine again
- a guide for you to reduce/quit caffeine use

I initially quit caffeine because I was experiencing

- fatigue
- insomnia
- acid reflux
- chest pains
- anxiety/panic attacks

All of those (except fatigue) disappeared immediately after quitting caffeine

However, the downsides were

- increased hunger
- even but LOW energy levels
- nothing giving me a "burst" of energy when I wanted it

As someone who's working on losing weight, the increased hunger was a killer

So last Tuesday, 7/14, I had a large cold brew coffee

Approximately 350mg of caffeine

I didn't know how my tolerance would be or what would happen

But I like to experiment...

After the first few sips, I felt that euphoric energy surge I used to feel years ago

I was on top of the world

But it faded after about 10 minutes

In its place, I started having chest discomfort

My heart started beating harder and I felt anxious

Of course, drinking such a large coffee after a long break was dumb

But I wasn't even halfway through it yet!

And it had also sat and diluted for a long time

After about 2 hours, I finally finished the coffee

I never again felt any "buzz" from that cup

Just chest pains for the rest of the day

The lone benefit was that I wasn't hungry for the rest of the day

I almost forgot to eat at all because I was so busy

Each day since, I've had a much smaller serving of coffee each day

None of them have given me a buzz or boost

I haven't been very hungry, which has helped weight loss

But I've also had the chest pains almost every day

So, I've decided that over the next few days

I'm quitting caffeine again - this time for good

I'll use it sparingly after another month or so break

But I won't go back to regular use again

As for the hunger, I'll find another way to deal with it

I'm planning to do a 5 day fast sometime soon

Reset my body and mind a little

But that's not all...

Next week

I'm writing a guide to teach you how to entirely quit caffeine

Or just cut back if that's all you want to do

Best part is, it'll be FREE!

Keep an eye out for it!
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