Hey, @Archaeologuy, while you're on the COVID in Alberta schools topic, here's some more logistical reality for your followers...

If I get sick, I'm out for a minimum of 14 days. That means I'll need a substitute teacher for that long. I'm only one person in one school... (1/?)
... so, my sub has to come in and stay healthy for that long, which will be hard because some of my students will have caught it from me and/or each other and vice versa. Now, schools already had a difficult time getting subs for the past few years on days of high absences (2/?)
... but last year at the end of the year, most boards booted all their less active and older subs off the sub lists because of the UCP cuts to education. Essentially, it will be impossible for schools and school boards to have enough healthy teachers & subs to keep schools (3/?)
... operating. They might try to double up a couple of classes of the same grade with the healthy teacher, which would result in classes of 40+ students in small spaces. Exactly what is supposed to be avoided during a pandemic. /fin
... not fin, I guess. I meant to say that they might try to double up classes for a bit, but eventually they'll run out of healthy teacher manpower (and parents will complain) and in person school will be impossible.
Tagging @allisonjade and @SAndersonshpk in this thread because Albertans need to hear the absurdity of this
And @mig14. Albertans need to know
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