Funny how just a couple hours after it was reported that a GOP congressman called AOC a "fucking bitch", the right wing noise machine is circulating a false story accusing a reporter of calling McEnany a "lying bitch". Everything is projection with these fools.
That the "lying bitch" accusation was, itself, a lie, is an overdetermined conclusion. The accuser is a Breitbart writer, i.e. people who lie for a living. The target was an Al Jazeera reporter, because Breitbart monsters are never subtle in their bigotry.
And yet, a bunch of good faith reporters had to sit there and listen carefully to the tape to determine that an *obviously false* accusations concocted as an *obvious* distraction from a GOP congressman calling AOC a "fucking bitch". It's a microcosm of current problems.
This is just a small example of how the modern right, including and especially Trump, operates: By throwing out a bunch of obvious lies and misinformation, for the sole purpose of gumming up the works and consuming valuable and limited resources debunking their lies.
They are soulless predators who feed on the presumption of good faith, endlessly able to wield the desire of liberals and journalists to be "fair" and offer a "fair hearing" in order to waste our time. And they can lie faster than the lies can be debunked, which they exploit.
I'm not sure what the solution should be, but it needs to start with ending the presumption of good faith. It's been torn to shreds by this weaponization. The starting assumption needs to be that right wingers are lying and the burden of proof must be shifted.
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