Nothing is new

Thomas Edison didn't come up with the basic idea of the light bulb💡

He only improved the works of previous experimenters

Ben Carson didn't invent hemispherectomy🧠

He only studied what previous doctors did

And found a way to improve it
You don't know what course to create?

Go to Amazon and check the highest performing books

Check the reviews

Then go ahead to recreate them
But make them better by using the reviews

This is not limited to Amazon

You can use gumroad

👉 Look for high performing ebooks (you can use low performing ebooks too)

👉 Download or study them (so you don't write yours word for word)

👉 Study the reviews

👉 Make the ebooks better by implementing the reviews

👉 Study the sales funnels of those authors

👉Start making money

Simple but not easy

But good things come to those that are willing to put in the work, yes?
You can follow @albertsamuel_t.
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