COVID cases, deaths, & hospitalizations in TN have all gone up in the month since the TN House passed a resolution in the middle of the night calling out the "fake news" for reporting on COVID. Most of those who voted yes refused to wear masks. At least one now has COVID.
Representatives voting aye were: Baum, Boyd, Byrd, Calfee, Carter, Casada, Cepicky, Cochran, Crawford, Curcio, Doggett, Dunn, Eldridge, Faison, Gant, Garrett, Griffey, Grills, Halford, Hall, Haston, Helton, Hicks, Hill M, Hill T, Holt, Howell, Hulsey, Hurt, Keisling, Lamberth...
Leatherwood, Littleton, Lynn, Marsh, Moody, Moon, Ogles, Powers, Ragan, Rudd, Rudder, Russell, Sexton J, Sherrell, Sparks, Tillis, Todd, Van Huss, Vaughan, Weaver, White, Williams, Wright, Zachary.
So when you're terrified about sending your kids back to school, or upset that another school year is going to be compromised...or anxious about the impact the virus is having on the TN economy, or worried about not being able to pay bills b/c you're out of work...
or when, like me, you have a loved one in a COVID unit on a ventilator who may not survive, remember that Gov Lee took a gamble, reopened the state before it was safe, and that the #tnleg has consistently and repeatedly failed to show leadership, resulting in suffering and death.
And not just failed to show leadership, but deliberately ignored the data and public health guidance, and openly mocked those who wore masks and expressed concern about the spread of the virus.
Please vote. Please vote for leaders who will put people over politics, leaders who will prioritize the expert opinions of medical professionals over the uninformed opinions of pundits.

Vote for better people, Tennessee. Lives literally depend on it.
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