#Novel coronavirus- a cautionary tale: the thread  

Heavens to Dickens, look at that data! You may have noticed a bit of Twist, Oliver. As we opened a new chapter into stage 3 with hope, the COVID case counts have been fast and furious the past few days. (1/5)
So, what can explain this #TaleOfTwoCities?   Not to be a #MobyDick, it seems that during stage 2, not everyone had their #SenseAndSensibility. Many of the recent cases can be traced back to gatherings and parties during stage 2. (2/5)
As we step forward in this #BraveNewWorld of stage 3, we must keep up the good work that has allowed us to get here. Try to limit your contacts, especially for indoor gatherings. Stick to your exclusive circle of 10 or less people. (3/5)
We know this is starting to feel like #OneHundredYearsOfSolitude, but there are ways to lower your risk if you gather with people outside your exclusive circle. Keep the party outside in #TheSecretGarden. Stay 2m apart. Wear a mask if you can’t. (4/5)
We are all in this together. Let’s swallow our #PrideAndPrejudice and stay #COVIDKind. Be #socialWISE when you socialize. If we keep this virus pinned down, and stay the course, it will eventually be #GoneWithTheWind, and we will be on to our next chapter. (5/5)
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