Don’t be a dick to booksellers. A thread.
I received an extremely apologetic text from a friend this morning. They wanted to know if I had received my books. They are overwhelmed with online orders and as one should expect, bookstores are not fulfillment centers.
No apologies needed! My #covidcopingmechanism has been buying all of the books. This is 1/4 of my book stash and A LOT of books have been purchased during Corona-times.
I have a hunch that if you’re taking care to buy from your local indie, you are a reader and probably have plenty to read at home.
I repeat, indie bookstores are not fulfillment centers. Shipping a book, let alone shipping 10 books takes time. REAL TIME. Not Amazon time. Booksellers are doing everything they can to get you your books.
So pick up a book in your TBR pile and sit tight. You aren’t going anywhere anytime soon... and if you are, wear a mask and don’t be a dick to booksellers.
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