Thread:- 👇

Look who is talking the man @tonyashai (Aka Aziz Ashai) who himself is sitting in the cozy rooms of California and provoking Kashmiri Youth to Pick-up Stones and Guns while his own Son Bilal Ashai recently graduated from Los Angeles @USC with Masters Degree.

1/n 👇
Tony Ashai, aka Aziz Ashai, a JKLF member who has designed SRK's Dubai buildings & Los Angeles Apartments. Ever since 2014, he has been trying to mask his love for Ashai because he knows that if this Genie is out of the box, it would do irreversible damage to his reputation. 2/n
SRK has used Ashai for a lot of his architecture brains. Moreover, @gaurikhan has also been involved with Ashai in a lot of her projects. This is very important to know as Ashai is a masked Peace Activist, he has been spewing venom against India on Indus News, consistently. 3/n
We all should bring this upto notice as it's a well documented plan for @tonyashai to use his bollywood influence. @iamsrk is a Patriot person himself who is not aware about the Snake like Tony Ashai whom he is feeding for his business projects.

4/n 👇
Aziz Ashai (Tony Ashai) went to university in buffalo completely funded by JKLF. This Meeting happened after his graduation, The Meeting happened in Italy. JKLF funded his tuition. Moreover his First business, Ashai design was funded by JKLF itself.

5/n 👇
$ 450k came from a shell company in Birmingham in autumn of 1992.

Moreover, his son (Bilal Ashai) is a Member of MSA which has links to The muslim brotherhood.

His son just graduated from @USC. His son's name is Bilal Ashai.

6/n 👇
The Gesture of Tony Ashai with Prime Minister Niyazi says it all.

Aziz Ashai (Tony Ashai) is on payroll of ISI, who is in touch with many people in Jammu and Kashmir and other parts of the country.


In Video:- Tony Ashai's brother Arthur Ashai.

Arthur is Tony’s partner in his Architect company that worked with this @iamsrk. Look at the the way he bullies an Indian.
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