. @ebonybowden a NY Post reporter wrote a hit piece about @ProjectLincoln this morning. It described me as an inactive voter in Utah. I voted by mail in 2016 and 2018. I switched my reg to independent in the Summer of 18. I am disturbed to learn this information and am looking
Into it. Of course the reporter did not call for comment which makes sense since it is a propaganda piece ordered by her news corps bosses in defense of Trump who is angry about the effectiveness of @ProjectLincoln. Crazy @IngrahamAngle, who believes Toronto is an American city
Joined in last night on FNC to do her part in defense of the regime. It was nice to see her take a brief pause from her usual race baiting and hawking snake oil medical remedies to vulnerable people in the middle of a pandemic that has killed 140,000 Americans. Her story
Was built on the @NRO hit piece, all part of the coordinated attack that accused @ProjectLincoln of grift. That hit piece was enthusiastically retweeted by @RichLowry the longtime editor of the magazine. Lowry was against Trump until his principles yielded to his donors.
National Review is basically insolvent and failing and it’s business model is sustained by hawking cruises 🚢 to senior citizens who can sail and engorge themselves with the Creature Cantina of Right Wing luminaries and grifters like the humorless, self serious
Crack pot Brent Bozell. Ironic indeed. Of course it was all topped by the nasal twanged proto fascist @marklevinshow, who responded to the original hit piece by demanding the IRS, DOJ and FEC investigate @ProjectLincoln because that is what these illiberal frauds and cancerous
Commentators believe. They believe in locking up political opponents. They are faithless to the ideas and ideals of this country. We will continue to fight them all until their rancid movement lies on the ash heap of American History. Lastly, there was a celebration of sorts
Today on the White House-Campaign-Surrogate call. Yes, Abe is always listening. @JasonMillerinDC celebrated the success of his hit jobs and lauded the pliant and dishonest reporters who abetted his mission. Miller of course stands like a Greek God of Trumpian scumbags.
He is a dead beat dad and slipped his pregnant mistress an abortion pill. None of us are surprised. We will not bend and we will not turn. We will not be intimidated by NewsCorps hit pieces and a failing relic of a magazine. I hope this helps everyone understand the life cycle
Of right wing hit pieces.
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