A thread on the SA alcohol ban: Initially I was very pro-ban, citing reasons such as an increase in GBV, abuse, and ICU capacity. In fact, 40% - 55% (!) of all trauma cases in SA are alcohol related. This problem, in my opinion, transcends Covid-19, but that’s for another day.
Some stats of the alcohol industry. The tax on booze in 2019 amounted to R53 billion (~R4.4b/month) - which we are currently not collecting. During the lockdown, 120’000 jobs in this industry have been lost. The industry directly and indirectly supports more than 1 million jobs.
They have families who are depending on them. Yes, we need more hospital capacity. Yes, I read the Facebook posts of Doctors who shared how alcohol impacted ICU capacity. I totally agree. But shutting down an industry that affects the livelihoods of 1 million people ain’t it.
The current ban feels like when you have a toe infection, and the doctor cuts off your foot. Yes, you technically don’t have a toe infection anymore, but you’re dealing with all the new problems of not having a foot.
We need a common sense solution that (1) prevent increases in abuse and trauma cases, but (2) also doesn’t affect the livelihoods of 1 million people and their families. The answer lies somewhere in the middle between having no ban at all, and a draconian ban-everything solution.
My first thought would be to allow limited alcohol sales in restaurants. This would help (1) the tourism industry and (2) the restaurant industry IMMENSELY. Waiters, chefs, cleaners, restaurant owners, bartenders, everyone would benefit.
Would this have a significant impact on ICU cases? Probably not. I don’t have the answers, but the problem is significantly more complex than a simple ban. My point is the people who made this decision should go back to the drawing board before another 120’000 jobs are lost.
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