You can all see the optics of this for the next 100 days, right?

The optics of Dem Mayors who have **lost control of their cities** as violent crimes SPIKE THROUGH THE ROOF writing letters DEMANDING Trump & Barr **send their cities no federal help whatsoever**?
All the sane citizens [and voters! Registered voters!] in cities like NYC, Seattle, Portland, LA, Chicago, Atlanta, etc. who've watched the growing violent chaos the past few months while their city/state leaders babble about DEFUNDING/DISBANDING THE POLICE & lockdowns/masks.
Sane citizens who've watched this unfold with MOUNTING HORROR as they realize they are under the control of IDEOLOGICAL LUNATICS who in their drive for power are keeping their citizens businesses closed while they let violent mobs run amok.

...a LIGHT shined in the darkness...

Trump says he is going to come HELP THESE PEOPLE.

It is **crystal clear** now that these mayors & governors are NOT going to change course.

Or they WOULD HAVE by now.
So sane citizens waiting for help, waiting for SANITY to be restored, waiting for SAFETY to come back to their city, they **know** down to the marrow of their bones that Wheeler, Durkan, DeBlasio, Frey, Bottoms, Bowser are **never** going to do their real jobs.
Now all these sane citizens in the blue states are watching these weak Democrat Mayors YELL at President Trump:

"DON'T YOU DARE!!! Don't you DARE send federal officers to my city to make it safer while I defund/disband it's police department & let these mobs run amok!"
Imagine 100 days of this.

Trump sending Federal agents to these cities to get them back under control with the Democrat mayors & governors SCREAMING AND CRYING AND WHINING AND BITCHING endlessly in protest every single step of the way.
These optics are PRICELESS.

PRICELESS, I tell you.

The Democrats can't hide the insanity of what they are doing, letting mobs & gangs tear their cities apart while they babble they're in control & don't need any help & whining Trump's feds need to leave.
Anybody who tells you Democrats are WINNING the optics here is playing you.

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