Alexander being homosexual is completely lie and untrue,Ancient Greeks called Homosexuals
"Kinaidos" which means cursed by the DEITIES.. Or cursed by AIDOS, the Goddess of Shame,who ZEUS protected by placing NEMESIS as a companion to her, so whenever AIDOS was offended by...Cont
Mortal acts, NEMESIS who was akin to Karma, would destroy such Mortals... As a consequence, Homosexuals were skinned alive, exiled (which meant death and were not allowed to enter temples or set foot in the Agora or participate in Greek life of any kind... Cont
According to Solons laws,any man being a Kinaidoswas:
1- banned from becoming a member of the council of
2- was banned from standing for elections as a priest; 3- wasbanned from being a citizen's advocate 4- was not allowed to exercise power in or outside the city of ..cont
5- was not permitted to be sent an emissary of war; 6- was banned from expressing his opinions; 7- was banned from entering temples:
8- was banned from being wreathed in races:
9- was not allowed to enter the agora.
All these violations were punishable by death, according
to Solon's Laws.
So as you can see, Alexander could not have been Homosexual... The Ancient Greeks deified friendship, and so that is what Alexander had with his Hephaestion, the same as Achilles with Patroclus, a sacred friendship... The spirit of Friendship itself is a Divine entity and .. Cont
the Greeks honored it.. But the Ancient Greeks rejected Homosexuality as evil and a manifestation of that which is against the Deities, because Homosexuality is unnatural and an ally to Chaos, which is the enemy of Order and the Deities... In Ancient Greek Art, the ... Cont
Ancient Greece and Rome was intensely Religious, more so than anything you can see today among Abrahamic Christians,Jews or Muslims,because Ancient Greeks lived and walkies with the Gods.... They had the Deities as their constant Companions and life supporters, and anything that
happened in Greece, from the smallest to the greatest had to pass through Divine hands.
The Warren Cup turned out to be a complete Forgery with no Archeological value, invented by some Homosexual to discredit Ancient Rome. Many of these enemies of Greece and Rome are Abrahamic Jews and Muslims desperate to make the true Religions of Europe look bad. The Warren ..
Cup is the only thing showing something Homosexual and it turned out to be totally fake.
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