I am not here to make an argument to change minds. I'm just going to throw out my observations. We are in a crisis and so, when in a crisis, we must vote together so yes, my support for Democrats is there. We must all vote; fuck enthusiasm. We have a world to save.

However ...
Eventually, we're going to have to address the problem of misogyny and racism and bias in the Democratic party and with our fundraising org, the @DNC. Right after the 2016 election, Bernie supported an anti-choice candidate and for a second there, so did the DNC.
It was a kick in the face in consideration of Clinton's "loss" and how we didn't back her up and demand a better accounting of votes. They backed down when women flipped out but that ... ease with which they started in that direction gave me pause.
Frankly, I think after this year @TomPerez sld step down. He's made it clear that their first and most important consideration is getting white men back to the party. THEY AREN'T COMING BACK, PPL. Not unless we give away women's rights and the civil rights of ppl of color.
Then, we're the Republican party, a fact which seems to have escaped them. I get things can get really insular in a closed company and atmosphere so maybe these misogynist and racist attitudes are considered the norm.
And I also realize we have more pressing concerns right now right in front of us, but the one thing I will ask is other ppl of the party, please stop dismissing the concerns of marginalized ppl for your own safer feeling narrative. It is not "crazy" to be concerned.
I believe when ppl show you who they are, you believe them. Perez has shown, repeatedly, that women's rights are on the table as a negotiating point. Okay, I choose to believe his actions. I think we need a woman of color in that position anyway, personally.
I also realize many ppl feel Kasich is a good choice of speaker at our convention. I don't agree, but okay, I can put aside my concerns for now. FOR NOW.
But it does need to be acknowledged that he is VERY anti-choice and in consideration of what we know, it's not odd to feel very marginalized and unheard and pained by him as a choice to speak at our convention. My opinion?
It wld be impossible to get a Repub to speak who is pro-choice but out of all of them, the only one with remorse, real remorse, and you know who I'm talking abt if you've been paying attention, is the one who shld be speaking. And it shld be a surprise when he steps on the stage.
I'd prefer Kasich not speak because it's a continued implicit understanding women's rights are up for negotiation from out own party. But, I'll still vote. That's true. But I'm angry, and I'm hurt and I have lost more faith in our pursuit of common goals.
Everyone needs to vote. No matter who is VP. No matter who speaks at the convention. No matter what. WE HAVE A PLANET TO SAVE. That is not hyperbole. And we must stamp out fascism in all corners of the world to boot. But we'll also need to do it in our own backyard.
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