“trans women are more oppressed than cis women” alright let’s talk about it! let’s break down some of the things that have led you to repeat this same lie over and over again. we can start w the common myth ab trans life expectancy
the saying that tw life expectancy is 35 is a MYTH. this came from a study from the IACHR. it was done in south america where exists countries with some of the highest murder rates in the world
and for the claim that it’s tw getting killed that are 35 years and younger, homicides drop w age across all demographics- “over 80 percent of all homicide victims are under the age of 44”
the trans murder rate: another myth is that trans people are killed at higher rates than women. using HRC & FBI data, the 2016 rates for murders per 100k pop:
0.8- all females who are trans
1.6- all trans people
2.1- males who are trans
2.1- females
5.0- black females
not just that, but most trans deaths are NOT trans related. the trans community is the only community that gets the privilege of deeming every single one of their deaths as a hate crime. while the trans population is majority white (66%) & female (58%)
over 90% of the trans homicides, the victims are black males. white males or females of any race are rarely found to be victims of these “hate crimes”. if trans people were just being killed for being trans, then the white homicide numbers would be much higher.
the trans community (who let me remind you is majority white) constantly appropriates the deaths of black people to falsely victimize themselves as if those same risks apply to them
you’ll also find that news reports circulating these deaths barely have any relation to the victim’s gender identity, but are related to street violence, drugs, as well as increased violence due to working in the sex industry
TRA’s say that trans women are more at risk for getting sexually assaulted, but according to the NSVRC rates are higher for all women and for bi-men than for trans ppl:
all trans ppl: 47-50%
lesbians: 57%
bi women: 80%
het women: 55%
bi men: 48%
i used to be an activist for this community and used to spit out all these same myths without having any evidence to back them up. if you tell a lie long enough and loud enough, it starts sounding like the truth
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