Z100 New York is one of @iHeartRadio's most popular stations.

How often did Z100 play @BTS_twt during the past 28 days?

Once, for 4 seconds.

Z100 played Make It Right (feat. Lauv) [Acoustic Remix] for 4 seconds on July 19, 2020, according to music analytics tool Soundcharts.
Two other artists set to perform at this year's @iHeartFestival are Coldplay and Miley Cyrus. Coldplay got 54 spins on Z100 during the past 28 days. Miley got just 3 spins, but Z100 played most or all of her song each time (Party in the U.S.A.)
How does @BTS_twt fare when we look at the past year?

In the past 12 months, Z100 gave BTS 185 spins. Most of those (172 spins) were for Make It Right, followed by Lil Nas X’s Seoul Town Road feat. RM, with 7 spins.
Z100 gave Coldplay 247 spins and Miley Cyrus 668 spins in the same period.
It’s great that @iHeartFestival is giving @BTS_twt exposure. But it feels disingenuous when one of its most popular radio stations in the country barely supports #BTS on, you know… the radio.
To clarify, I do not think anyone should boycott the performance over this. Ultimately, BTS and Big Hit decided to work with iHeart again, and they should get our support. It just helps to be aware of how the industry works against the boys.
You can follow @bybrianbyrne.
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