Will Apple Solve the Longevity Problem?

Apple may be on its way to help us live much longer, and take on life extension — "the most important thing we can invent." @balajis

My takeaways from the ideas discussed on @APompliano's podcast with @Cam39Porter 👇🏼

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1/ The incentive structure

Why is Apple incentivized to fix other problems than the ones it is solving currently?

Apple went from a hardware company to a service company.

Today Apple is becoming a health company that @nbashaw explained in his piece healthOS.
2/ Apple the hardware company

Early Apple created solutions that were very successful in the US.

Then, Apple expanded worldwide, market after market.

Apple's growth was very predictable, quarter after quarter, country after country.

But, the Earth is finite...
3/ A service company

Then Apple became a service company.

By doing this, Apple entered a competition with all the big tech companies (Google, Amazon, Facebook) for vertical time.

The problem with vertical time, again, is that it's finite - there are only 24 hours in a day!
4/ The health company

Apple is at the center of a health ecosystem.

Apple collects data from a variety of other solutions (wearables, mattresses, & more) that it can leverage in large-scale R&D projects.

What's the biggest project that Apple could take on?

Human Longevity.
5/ How to get there?

Health-tracking as an awareness strategy

Most people don't pay attention to their health metrics before getting into the quantified self.

When you start tracking you begin to be aware of your health metrics.

That's what the Apple watch enabled.
6/ Apple's privacy advantage

We start to see the value of Apple's whole privacy, safety, and security narrative.

It's what's going to give Apple a competitive advantage against Google, Facebook, and Amazon.
7/ The Future Apple is Building

By addressing the longevity problem, Apple will create a perfect market for its products.

If Apple helps you live longer by collecting useful data, you won't want to give up all the data to switch to another system.
8/ How is Apple going to do this?

Is Apple going to buy wearables and health companies?

According to @Cam39Porter, Apple could enable the hardware ecosystem to promote their way of handling data.

Apple will use its cash reserve to go after the billion-dollar problems.
9/ The problems Apple could take on

For example, Apple could focus on the half-life of technological intimacy, a term coined by @wolfejosh in the article below.

The gut microbiome is an area where Apple could innovate. https://medium.com/lux-capital/mind-control-343b5d5f148f
10/ Citizen of Apple

If Apple can optimize your life, it will do so with a preexisting set of values.

Advising you to stop working is part of a value system that emphasizes balance.

@Cam39Porter suggests Apple will have a constitution for what it means to be a citizen of Apple
11/ Who are the competitors?

Google owns Fitbit, but it's not a serious competitor in this field.

Amazon started rolling out a healthcare system for its employees, and health solutions may be part of their future Prime offerings. It may be the only actor to compete with Apple.
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