The #1 QB when shuffling?

Carson Wentz

The #1 QB when moving?

Carson Wentz

Oh, you didn’t know?

Time to appreciate this underrated QB, particularly when he’s ON THE MOVE
Not only was he #1 QB passing without being set in 2019, but you may not remember that an atomic bomb was dropped on his WR corps last year and he still made magic happen:
we are spoiled by Patrick Mahomes making throws like this routinely but this 30-yard frozen rope out of structure TD pass zipping past two defenders to an RB in the back of the end zone is an example of Wentz’s arm talent on the move
a picture of Carson Wentz dropping back to pass at the end of the 2019 season
lolol this 3rd & 9 pocket became a 17-yd Wentz first down run
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