Watch there be absolutely zero major changes to Career Mode. THREAD of changes I’d like to see #FIFA21 #MakeCareerModeGreatAgain
First off, something NO ONE mentions. Every time you boot up FIFA you have to select your language. Why doesn’t it remember it?!? Minor but would be a nice quality of life change.
Editing players is a pain. Last year it took you straight to your club, now for some unknown reason you have to navigate the menus to find your club. Why the pointless regression? 🤷🏻‍♂️
Gameplay. They say the likes of Wimbledon no longer play like tiki-taka football like Spain but I don’t see it. They still complete 90% of their passes unless you intercept it or tackle. Not to mention score ridiculous goals.
Gameplay cont. Players don’t make intelligent runs. Just straight lines and a lot of standing around unless you instigate things. So many issues with gameplay.
Scouting. Why can’t we scout youth players in Wales? Or Ukraine? Or many other countries, including virtually all of Asia and most of Africa. This is just lazy. So is the name pool & player models. It’s shocking.
The interaction with players is very limited and they complain too much. Also why do we earn a ‘wage’? There’s nothing to spend it on.

Often went fast forwarding through the calendar the game stops and opens your email but there’s nothing there. FIX THIS.
Finding jobs. Why can’t there be a set criteria for top clubs & international jobs. Just apply once you meet the criteria. As if you’re doing a journeyman CM now it’s up to the FIFA gods what your next club will be.
Similar with hiring scouts. Why do I have to advance through the calendar if I want a 5 star experience & 5 star judgement scout?

A menu of scouts would be better.
Youth football. U23 league etc. so young players can get experience and save us emails from the 60 rated GK annoyed he isn’t starting the Champions League final.

And why do players care so much about friendlies? Makes no sense. Why can’t we schedule our own?
More leagues, more stadiums. Football exists beyond England.
Scrap the whole global scouting system. It’s lazy. Oh look now you have to wait 7-14 days before you know the overall of a player. Wow, I’m so impressed. So innovative.
Transfer & contact negotiations need massive work. Where’s the buy back clause? Why am I the only one who can offer players and when I change my mind I can’t go back and just offer money?

Players don’t take pay cuts.
And the player roles need fixed. If you’re trying to be realistic and sign a decent GK to be back-up it ain’t happening unless you lie to him during contract negotiations.
I say the same things every year about FIFA so I’ll probs bookmark this for next year. #FIFA21 #MakeCareerModeGreatAgain
I have to add another point as I sit here and watch AC Milan.

Subs. In Serie A and other leagues you can name up to 12 subs. Why are we limited to 7 in FIFA? Friendlies, lower league comps etc have different rules regarding subs reflected in FIFA why not Serie A etc.? #FIFA21
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