1) I was talking to my 91 year old grandmother last week about life under the colonial era. What it was like for her as a young Malawian woman. Part way through the conversation she mentioned her uncle, a student in theology who migrated to Zambia.
2)Apparently one day he entered a white man's house with his hat on his head. And for this the white man struck him (how dare he not take his hat off). For that my great uncle struck him back! Actions to which ended him in jail.
3) sure enough there was a trial. My great uncle was charged with striking a white man and that was a punishable offence! The white man was told he was also wrong for beating the black man.
4) My great uncle was sent to jail for his "sins" and he died there for reasons known to authorities. His widow returned to Likoma island penniless with his kids. I'd have never known this story if I actually hadn't asked her what life was like under colonialism!
But...at least now I understand where my rebellious streak originates 😋
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