Here is a thread of artist tips that I wish people disclosed to me when I was younger but instead all my professors yelled at me and I cried a lot so I am here to gently relay what I've learned
First- choosing a medium that is not digital art, an older thread I made
managing your line's weight is something important to keep in mind. Using a single, uniform brush size works for some art styles of course, but using a variety of line thickness can go a long way, and save you so much time, and can help add depth to your art- see example below.
one mistake I often see is people wanting to draw certain contours of the face without changing the line weight- often it comes across as a stylistic choice that doesn't match the art style being used, or sometimes resulting in exaggerated features. Another example below
the same effect can be achieved by stippling with dots or "hatching" with lines. Hatching can help you determine where shadows and lights fall much easier, especially if you're a beginner. Plus it's really fun and can help you play with colors.
please don't take this the wrong way- as someone w a shaky hand and severe anxiety I Get It, But if you overthink your art- it will show. Art is a skill, and it will take skill to navigate and manage the harmony of yr work
what I want to show above, is how drawing a line over and over again means drawing will take longer, and it will look messy in ways that are not desirable. It is important to learn how to draw in longer strokes to maintain harmony, and to keep your arms from getting tired-
I have never mastered realism- It is not required to, but it is very practical to learn some fundamentals of anatomy- learning anatomy can help you find your own artstyle
What we want here is for you to do copying less, and more "training yourself to look at things through the eyes of an artist." You can do still life, but how can you translate something you want to draw into your own art?
Thread tbc, I dont have enough example art with me rn- sorry if I dont delve too much into colors, I sort of failed the first half of color theory
A side note. This is a thread that's leaning toward practicality, but at the end of day, the most important thing about creating art is doing what makes you happy, and going at your own pace.
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