Reality check: Will AMLO's sexenio end in political and economic disaster for Mexico?

Short answer: no.
Oh, he is bad, no doubt. AMLO is a wreck in terms of security and energy. He is also bizarrely conservative on public spending, which will lead to unnecessary human suffering. Finally, institutions are getting worse.
AMLO has already weakened the upper levels of the bureaucracy and he is mustering a legislative attack on the independent regulatory authorities. His mercurial policies have frightened off private investment. It is all bad. There is no upside.
But AMLO is not Chávez. There is no sign of an attack on the private sector. The courts have beaten back the most ridiculous regulatory changes. Congress is resisting attempts to neuter the independent agencies. And regarding macroeconomics ...
... the problem is that he is too orthodox, not that he is too populist. @LArroyoAbad @GMonroyEnergy @auroraggf @aguilera1 @AlejandroPoire @GregWeeksCLT @diazbriseno
In short, it's bad. But there is no need to be apocalyptic. @guacamayan @bloggingsbyboz @diazcayeros @ahope71
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