An official Twitter account for the Trump campaign is promoting conspiratorial antisemitism - suggesting that Biden is being controlled by Bernie, a socialist Jewish puppetmaster. This isn’t remotely subtle.
Naively, part of me thought that Bernie losing the primary would at least result in less antisemitism & JudeoBolshevik conspiracy theories being spread by the GOP as part of their election strategy.
Note that this antisemitic ‘puppetmaster Bernie’ language isn’t an anomaly - it’s messaging that the entire GOP apparatus is embracing.
And the same antisemitic puppetmaster rhetoric from Trump 2020 Senior Advisor.
This can’t be explained away as the GOP somehow being ignorant. Major Jewish organizations have repeatedly criticized antisemitic ‘puppetmaster’ rhetoric - including when recently used vs. Soros & Bloomberg by Fox News hosts and to describe Sheldon Adelson by people on the left.
Right-wing cartoonist Ben Garrison was *disinvited* from the White House in 2019 due to criticism specifically about his past use of antisemitic puppetmaster imagery! The Trump team cannot pretend to be naive about this rhetoric.
Jews have repeatedly told the Trump admin & the GOP that rhetoric and imagery portraying Jews as puppetmasters secretly controlling politicians draws on a long history of conspiratorial antisemitism & inspires violence against Jews, including the Tree of Life mass shooting.
The GOP & Trump’s campaign aren’t portraying Bernie as a socialist puppetmaster controlling Biden due to ignorance. They’ve simply decided the potential political benefits of this messaging outweigh the increased danger to Jews created by promoting conspiratorial antisemitism.
also: liberals, this is why you can’t refute” claims that Biden is Bernie’s puppet with logic or by emphasizing differences between their policy platforms. this isn’t about facts or logic. it’s antisemitic JudeoBolshevik conspiracies, updated for the 21st Century.
if you don’t understand what you’re arguing against, you can’t effectively fight it.
Bernie-as-puppetmaster political cartoons! Charming. 🙄
Biden-is-Bernie’s-puppet editorials from conservative media!
The official GOP twitter account propagating conspiratorial antisemitism!
People spent an entire week freaking out about Nick Cannon promoting antisemitic conspiracies on a podcast - articles about Cannon were still being published yesterday - but the GOP is using an antisemitic conspiracy as a core part of election messaging & it’s just crickets.
This antisemitism isn’t coming from a fringe GOP candidate or one random Congressperson or a columnist for a far-right website or the host of one of Trump’s favourite TV shows. It’s the official GOP twitter account & an official account for the Trump 2020 campaign.
In the past, when individuals used puppet-master rhetoric, @adl @JGreenblattADL & other groups rightly identified & criticized it as conspiratorial antisemitism. Its use as a political attack by official accounts of the GOP & the Trump campaign merits a stronger condemnation.
In February, @AJCGlobal criticized the evocation of antisemitic ‘puppet master’ rhetoric in the comments by a member of the British House of Lords. Both @AJCGlobal & @HHuffnagleAJC are currently focused on Madonna sharing a Farrakhan video & the continuing Nick Cannon fallout.
It’s important to push back vs. antisemitic conspiracies being promoted by celebrities, but I’d suggest to @AJCGlobal @HHuffnagleAJC that use of antisemitic conspiracy-speak as a political strategy by official Trump campaign & GOP social media accounts is *at least* as serious.
(That’s an understatement, btw. Celebrities ignorantly repeating antisemitic conspiracies is bad. Official voices of one of the two major political parties & the President’s re-election campaign deploying the language of antisemitic conspiracies for political benefit is worse.)
Two weeks ago, the CEO, Chair & Vice Chair of @Conf_of_Pres @Daroff wrote a letter about celebrities quoting Farrakhan on social media, and antisemitic comments they attributed to people affiliated with racial justice protests. Maybe a letter of condemnation is merited here, too?
Anyway, I’m done ranting for now, but it would be nice if groups committed to fighting antisemitism devoted as much time & energy to the use of antisemitic conspiracy rhetoric by the official accounts of the President’s re-election campaign & the GOP as they have to Nick Cannon.
I thought that the article linked in those GOP tweets had been taken down because it kept saying "Access denied" when I tried to click through to it, but it seems like that might just be because I'm Canadian? Who knows. Either way, it's not just tweets.
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