I'm so angry. A thread.

If they really cared about our children and their education they would build us more schools and hire more staff.

If they really cared about our children and their education, they would create programs for at-risk youth.
If they really cared about our children and their education, they wouldn't threaten to reduce funding and force everyone into unsafe situations.

They say they care but they refuse to help. That's why parents should be angry. Be angry with them. They are choosing to not help.
They can help. They can open other buildings, build stadiums, repurpose empty spaces to create more room for distancing.

They could help us create smaller classes without splitting the days. They could make it easier for everyone. Safer. Spread the kids out. Mask them.
Don't politicize a pandemic. Don't politicize our safety. They could; they are choosing not to.

They have made schools the enemy and demonized the teachers. Again. They diverted the blame. They took their eyes away from their incompetence. They cancelled science.
They positioned themselves as caring adults who believe in education, and schools as anti-kids and anti-education. They've effectively said SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS are anti-schools/child. And people bought it. Many people agreed.
This happened seemingly overnight and we allowed it. Now, parents and teachers are agonizing trying to navigate their lives and keep their family safe and afloat. How does one work and keep up with a hybrid schedule?
We have been put in an impossible situation, and we blame each other instead of the people who put us here.

There is a crisis brewing between families and school districts across the country. Parents are threatening to sue for their tax dollars.
They are attempting to overrule masking orders. They have have waged a war with the school districts. They are leaving for cyber schools and diverting money away from public schools.
Parents are desperate. They are scared. They don't know how they will work with their kids out of schools. They are angry. They believe those parents requiring hybrid models or virtual models are privileged. They are not wrong. But their anger is misdirected.
Teachers who have their own children are existing in a constant state of despair and sadness. They are scared for their own children and of contracting the virus themselves and bringing it home to their families. It's paralyzing. But it could have all been avoided.
If we just did it right.

It could all still be fixed if our elected officials really cared about children like they say they do.

Remember, they are choosing not to. They are talking heads that threaten, lie, and mislead. They can help us all, but they refuse to.
They'd rather us all be divided once again. On every topic. They politicized our children's safety and the safety of everyone in our schools. And we should be angry. But not at each other. We should be angry at them. Our anger belongs with them.
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