this is the worst kind of revisionist apologia from USA today

sweden's strategy DID work

it worked well

gathering up the sour grapes of the "experts" who advocated swedish panic and fermenting it into whine is just propaganda

the facts are the facts
sweden had almost no deaths among the young

88% were over 70 years old and 75% in nursing homes or elder care.

even if lockdown had been 100% effective in stopping every death under 60, that would have been 4.5% of deaths.

so give it a rest guys.
sweden just counts cov deaths extremely inclusively.

this had led to very high numbers reported especially as covid is an opportunistic infection that moves in when you're already sick.
but overall all cause deaths this flu season are LOW in sweden, not high.

"a plague and policy response so bad that we're 3.6% below normal per capita deaths" is not much of a scare story, is it?
meanwhile, even the norwegians are wishing they had been more like the swedes.
and their candor is as remarkable as it is laudable in an age where failed models are just an excuse for experts to become more shrill and alarmist.
sweden had the same R curve as the rest of the EU.

lockdown (as all international guidelines predicted) made no difference.

lockdown was a panic response that had no forward effects on disease spread and deaths.
sweden won this bet, pure and simple.

and this victory is making a lot of doomsayers and pollyannas look VERY stupid.

they are going to come for the swedes with knives out looking to discredit them.

they will claim the damage they advocated and implemented at home was "needed"
it wasn't.

it was just needless self harm and panic driven populism.

do not let them re-write history here.

the facts need to stand or they're going to do this to us again...
oh, and my apologies.

this graphic is from @pwyowell who i meant to credit on the first tweet.

sorry amigo. with there was an edit function here
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