Today is my son's birthday.
So I am eleven years a mum.
He is incredibly smart, funny and thoughtful. I asked him his 5 year plan and he said to get an ID, drivers license, car & have a small business running. He currently has USD75 in savings so I think he will make it!
Concerning career path he used to want to be a policeman. Now he says he wants to be a coder, songwriter, pianist, YouTuber, and a doctor. I don't see why not.

He also said soon I'll be a teen & all moody LOL. I love him!

For now, I celebrate you my "tweenage son ❀.
He said if there wasn't lockdown he would have loved to go to a camp. I once sent him to the Mkuvisi Woodlands one & he loved it. They slept under the stars, hearing the roar of lions, ate from metal plates, did not bother bathing for 3 days straight! He returned smelly & happy.
We were supposed to travel together to Berlin this past May but covid9. I had an itinerary including the Museums of Games/Natural History/Technology, Legoland, Zoo, Aquarium, S & U Bahn, republica + the historical sites. I still hope to do that life trip with him, just us two.
We have both enjoyed the opportunity we had when I could take him along to work. Once went with him to Bulawayo and he loved staying in the hotel while I worked then afternoons we visited J.Nkomos statue, train and natural history museums, centenary park & my old uni, fine NUST!
I take my mothering seriously. We have already spoken about the birds and bees. (Today's children are ready from 9/10.) I trust we will have somewhat easy teen years because I believe in openness. Experience life so that you don't go mad in your later years. We raising gentlemen
If I am unable to influence the world in entirety, then let me positively influence this one man! I pray that God may preserve me especially so that I raise powerful children who will serve their generation. In 2018 he wanted to know why he couldn't also run for office or vote 😂
I told him all in good time. I will give him the best possible education so that he has a fair chance in life. Then go out and be great on his own.

Incredible to think in 10 years he will be moved out for good. Everything I have taught him will be tested, but he will make it!
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