It’s a privilege to have @konotarogomame briefing @ChinaResearchGp on the Security Environnement around Japan.
Japan’s Defence Minister looks forward to the deloyment of @HMSQNLZ next year and describes the UK as a Pacific power. Inviting wider UK involvement in the region.
Japan’s Defence Minister calls for UK to join CPTPP.
China is now an expansionist country. They are dependent on oil and gas from the Middle East and are building ports around the region - Djibouti, Pakistan, Oman, etc - @konotarogomame
Long term loans are used to take over ports: Hanbantota Port, Sri Lanka, and others in Laos, Cambodia and Vanuatu show challenges around the world.
Digital renminbi being used to issue loans and for settlements. This is creating a digital cloud to send back to Beijing. Data capture in Djibouti and other counties is now growing. - @konotarogomame
Post-covid world looks challenging - state vs free markets, democracies vs authoritarian states, etc.
Had hoped for cooperation with China but Xi has changed the CCP to expansionism.
Expansionist through state company purchase of our tech.
China’s weakness is demography. They’re getting older before they get rich. Who will care for the parents?
Xi tried to clean up corruption to get rid of rivals but it re-established the reputation of the party.
They’re trying to get away from the dollar denominated economy and the SWIFT system to split the international society.
TPP was originally to set the standard not just for trade but employment and more in the Pacific.
TPP should include UK and other countries in the Indo-Pacific.
ASEAN last year was saying last year, don’t make us choose between US and China. But that night the defence minister’s dinner the Thai Navy band played US pop music. It was a soft way of saying the choice is clear.
Japan’s Defence Minister welcomes the idea of turning Five-Eyes into Six-Eyes
Australia 🇦🇺
Canada 🇨🇦
New Zealand 🇳🇿
United Kingdom 🇬🇧
United States 🇺🇸
Japan 🇯🇵
Thank you @konotarogomame for an amazing briefing and powerful insight into the challenge of the security environment.
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