Zanu PF is a revolutionary party, it is a liberation party. It is premised on the liberation war principle of fish & water. Leadership seems to have departed from this principle & seem to believe the fish can exist outside water.
Watch the arrogance of the fish🐠 outside water💦
Zanu PF is founded on solid Pan African principles which shoul equate to the empowerment of the black majority not the empowerment of a few connected cronies & the elite. The people are not asking for much leadership. The people are not asking for lavish 3 course meals
The people are only asking for three meals per day, access to clean water, shelter, health, education & a decent standard of living. They’re not even asking to stay in mansions like yours. These are the people who voted for you, these are the people who sacrificed their stock
& crop and risked life & limb during the liberation struggle as you reiterated that fish needs water, they are the water & you are the fish.

My question to leadership is:
How long can the fish survive outside water?
Does the fish no longer require water to survive?
Zanu PF should go back to its founding principles of Gutsaruzhinji. It should honor its election promises to its supporters & indeed to the nation. When the people are happy no-one wil l be asking Zanu PF to go. You are the ruling party you have the duty to deliver what you were
Voted in for. A sacrosanct duty. Zimbabwe yakauya neropa.... Ropa raani. Ropa revana vese veZimbabwe. Rinoyera ropa iroro. Zanu PF must honor the promises it made to the people during the liberation struggle & stop ruling by decree. People genuinely love Zanu PF
But no-one including the staunchest Zanu PF supporter will celebrate going to bed hungry because of corruption, cronyism & looting by the very same party you voted for. No will do. I know you’re already celebrating 2023 election victory but my question to you is
To do what? To loot some more? To make life harder for your supporters and the nation at large? The truth is life has become harder since we celebrated your incoming in 2017 & subsequently voted for you in 2018. You have not shown willingness to bring about policies
That will make life easier for the people. Instead we hear you’re buying each other fancy cars whilst the rest of us are going through austerity, you’re awarding each other lucrative tenders whilst fleecing the national purse. You’re creating monopolies to benefit yourselves
And your families and friends. Your children are seen doling out crispy new bank notes in the streets thus fueling the black market rate thus eroding the salaries of civil servants & others. There’s a deliberately inefficient fuel system resulting in people losing
Working hours queuing up several hours to fill up. This inefficiency is deliberately put in place to the profit of your friends and cronies. Rent seeking behavior is rewarded whilst the producer is punished.
@nickmangwana @edmnangagwa @matigary @TinoChinyoka @Jamwanda2
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