Thread: THE PLUNGE. It's currently 9 pm PST
I'm watching a live stream.
Another massive crowd at the Justice Center tonight.
This picture depicts about ONE THIRD of them.
I'm not too concerned as the vast majority of them will leave around midnight
This thread may take all night to compile, so I ask patience.
Antifa doesn't start the violence & destruction until around 2 AM PST & I usually go to bed around that time then compile what happened when I wake up.
Tonight is different.
Tomorrow Trump goes on the OFFENSIVE
Americans have been patiently waiting (a tad grumpy, true) for the President to address a whole host of things that have desperately needed fixing here at home.
Tomorrow the recovery of America's INFRASTRUCTURE will begin in earnest.
Knowing this, the Left's kicked off a new Campaign against #RuleOfLAW in Portland & have launched a massive PR Blitz to cast any attempt to restore order or even DEFEND YOURSELF against their Marxist Mobs as criminal behavior.
Well, President Trump is TRIPLING DOWN on restoring order & sanity on America's Streets regardless of how many State or DC Ideologues caterwaul about "Secret Police" or gestapo tactics.
Then there's THIS=
As @cosweda often says, "no one knows how anything works, anymore."
The Feds DO NOT have to TELL anyone what they're doing.
People like @RepAOC & @RandPaul have not a single clue & are utterly uninformed.
Trump has elected for a CLANDESTINE response to Democrat lawlessness.
I could try & explain the powers Trump & the Feds have to act under THE STAFFORD ACT & a declared NATIONAL EMERGENCY when an **International Terrorist Group** launches an Insurrection on US Soil.
But it would be pointless.
These programmed Marxist Cultists can have this explained to them by Federal Agents assigned to the 56 JTTF (Joint Terrorism Task Force) Offices that have been rounding them up for WEEKS <----that's right. WEEKS.
This was MAY 31st=
Those were not Cops. People always @ me when I say that.
They're WRONG.
Those are SOLDIERS acting in a Law Enforcement Role on US Soil as allowed by the Stafford Act NO ONE has researched.
No, they're not in their ACTUAL Uniforms.
It's now been weeks since the CHAZ/CHOP collapsed.
Dozens of armed Lunatics eager for a fight & who'd PROVED they'd shoot unprovoked just "disappeared" the night before & no one's curious?
"They went home!"
"They ran!?"

When you escalate a riot to ARMED Insurrection & COMMANDEER US Soil & put 100's of US Citizens under threat (tacit hostages/human shields) what RULES apply to you?
When the $$$ that finances all of this don't just come from Democrats but FOREIGN NATIONS?
Portland is the Flash-Point where the Democrats are doing everything in their power to create an INCIDENT (Read: Dead "Protesters") for a Kent State 2.0 to defeat Trump's reelection.
Look at this crowd.
How many Democrat OPERATIVES are hiding in there?
Just waiting for a "GO" Signal.
Will it be an "accidentally" fatal Rubber Bullet?
Or BLANKS fired from a crowd of Antifa in the hopes Federal Agents will respond with live rounds?
As I've said, there are 1,001 DIRTY TRICKS to get Feds & Rioters to attack with DEADLY Force.
The Crowd currently as the Portland Justice Center has to be at least 3,000 people.
I expect at least 1,800 to leave by 12 AM PST in about 2 hours.
Then the "fun" begins.
I expect serious attempts at arson tonight as Antifa's efforts the last 2 nights were quickly foiled
In a previos Thread I'd said Antifa got their FEELINGS hurt by those Mean Old Marshals pushing them around & spoiling their violent & destructive fun.
So they called on their "Mommies & Daddies" (The Democrats) to come rescue them.
THE NEXT DAY the Antifa Moms appeared!
It's now 12:20 AM & there's still a huge crowd present.
As they chant "FEDS GO HOME!" Antifa are piling fencing & debris against the Doors of the Courthouse & Justice Center.
They re pounding on & kicking the Doors in a frenzy as they scream in rage.
More objects are piled up....soon they will try to set them alight.
This will force the Feds to respond.
There are Antifa now HAMMERING at the Doors of the Courthouse with Hammers.
12:25 THE FEDS COME OUT. They are immediately pelted with bottles, rocks & debris as strobes & lasers flash at their eyes.
Antifa tries to hold a line but a relentless barrage of Flashbangs & then the Agents PUSH them using Batons.
The Line evaporates & Antifa falls back
Any Antifa who try to hold their ground at the Courthouse is pushed away or struck by batons.
The Feds are now pushing Antifa back 1 block away from the Courthouse.
The Feds have stopped 1 block over from the Courthouse.
Antifa is engaing in Street theater now.
Chanting & insulting them.
The Feds have moved back to the Courthouse & set up a perimeter.
Antifa has drifted back & more Street theater is begun.
The Agents refuse to allow anyone on the Street. Anyone trying it gets hit with pepperballs (which sting) or a Flashbang.
Antifa form up & begin chanting & engaging in Street Theater as before.
This disheveled Idiot is actually an Antifa Leader.
The Street Theater is important.
As these Guys pose as "innocent Protesters" other Antifa are lining up to hurl objects & provoke a response.
Antifa Press will then edit the provocation & only show the "Cop Riot."
Objects are hurled & lasers shine from the Antifa Line.
The Feds don't care.
As long as they are away from the Courthouse they can't cause further damage or set fires.
More Street theater.
"Stunning and Brave Patriotic Antifa Defies Trump's Gestapo!"
(Hurry up & take the picture, Brett! I wanna burn this damn Flag!)
The Feds withdraw into the Courthouse as Antifa cheers!
Everything was recorded.
They're too stupid to realize that with modern Tech & intel gathering techniques those committing crimes WILL be identified if they haven't been already.
Antifa immediately moves right up to the Courthouse & begins attacking the Building as before.
A lot of enraged screaming at the Feds inside.
These people are straight up nuts.
Strobes to Blind any Officer looking thru the openings as Antifa reforms behind the Columns.
Antifa begins hurling Water Bottles by the dozens at the Courthouse.
(That'll show em!")
The Antifa member in the foreground is nearly hit several times as Water Bottles continue to be thrown at the building.
A freaking Temper Tantrum
Look at the Comments on the Live Stream="someone should dump oil right there."

The Feds HAVE to come out to prevent these Assholes from lighting the Building on fire.
First they did manage to remove the Protective Plywood Barriers on the Doors & Windows.
The Feds have to protect the Building.
Antifa interfere with an Arrest earlier tonight.
Armed with his Trusty Shield & Stick, Brave, Brave Sir Robin Duels with the Courthouse....
A group of Antifa are doing SOMETHING to the building behind cover of the Umbrella
An illegal fire has been started just feet away from the Courthouse.
Antifa feeds the fire to make it larger....
Feds inspect the Crowd as lasers are used to try & blind them.

The rage is palpable.
Voices of pure hate.
Antifa brings up debris. They will use the nearby fire to light the debris if they can....
A small fire is lit, they immediately try to feed it to burn down the Building.
Suddenly BEAR SPRAY!! It disperses the Firebugs & douses most of the fire.
PART TWO: Audio Video in about 4 hours.
I need sleep.
Signing out for now.
When I say **Voices of Hate** I am not joking.
Remember my pic of the "Disheveled Idiot" Antifa Leader?
THIS is what he sounds like.
Also he began his Demonic RANT to distract The Authorities as his Comrades moved in to try & fire the Building.
As Antifa continue to try & distract the Agents inside the Courthouse, a Fire Setting Team goes to work.
Objects are thrown & rage filled tirades to cover what's being done.
Do not doubt they would burn the building to the ground & dance on the corpses of those within.
Watch carefully
As Antifa continue to distract, a fire IS SET
The Live Streamer for most of this content is an Antifa "Journalist" named Eric Greatwood
He pans around,**sees the fire**then IMMEDIATELY pans back to the distraction Teams
Remember, they're "Peaceful Protesters"
As the Antifa "Fire Team" rush to add fuel to the flames they're hit with Bear Spray.


The MSM relentlessly jam "Peaceful Protesters" down our throats.


Another futile attempt to set the Building alight.
This Sh*tweasel sprays accelerant before trying to set a fire.
I guarantee you his name & location will be known within 24 Hours.
There's an Unmarked Van in his future.
The same goes for every one of these would-be arsonists.
As I stated earlier in this very long Thread, President Trump's Offensive to answer the Democrat's lawlessness & restore America's vital infrastructure begins today.
In the next 8 weeks numerous initiatives will be announced & revealed.
That Demonic voice of rage screamed at Federal Agents attempting to enforce #RuleOfLAW "GET THA FUCK OUTTA **OUR** CITY!!"
I want these violent, rioting Marxist insurrectionists/Terrorists out of OUR Country.
Watch it happen.
As the #SoulWAR continues to unfold.
@PatrickGunnels narrates the Thread.
Please give him a listen & follow!
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