This is actually every single thing that is wrong with the “destigmatize mental illness” shit. Y’all only want to destigmatize fairly mild anxiety and depression and burnout. You actually have no interest in destigmatizing delusions, hallucinations, mania and suicidal ideation
You have NO interest in destigmatizing mental illness for those of us who have literally been PUT IN CHAINS and locked into some of the most horrific “hospitals.” You have no interest in destigmatizing people mental illness for people like me
You want us to be perfect and easily defined and likable and morally superior and aritistic geniuses and inspiring and yoga experts who drink lots of fucking water lol
And the way y’all talk... y’all sure as HELL don’t want to destigmatize personality disorders that actually *can* make people abusive and mean and dangerous. Because this “mentally ill people would NEVER do something like that, all the ones I’ve met are sweet little lambs,”
Is not as helpful as you think it is! The truth about our lives is so multifaceted and complex and hard and beautiful and painful and funny and boring and scary and lonely but it is not something that you can define or something that we can even define for each other!
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