Cathy Areu claims in lawsuit that the last time she appeared on Tucker Carlson's show in 2018 was prior to Fox Christmas party in NYC. According to social media posts from multiple FNC staff, that party took place on Dec 10. Areu appeared on Carlson's show on Dec 28 per Grabien
Here are two social media posts about the FNC Christmas Party (this appears to be the party for all of the shows ... the individual shows also have their own parties the following week). Both posts are dated Dec 10, 2018.
Here is a snippet of Cathy Areu's appearance on FNC's Tucker Carlson Tonight on December 28, 2018, per @GrabienMedia. Mark Steyn was guest hosting that evening. NYE was on a Monday in 2018 (notice bottom right corner promo).
Here are the relevant portions from Areu's lawsuit where she claims her last appearance was before the Christmas Party
This is such an obvious and easy to uncover error that clearly the lawyers did not do any basic fact checking before filing this lawsuit.
What's more, I cannot find any evidence that Areu appeared on the show on December 10, 2018. Here is a YouTube video of that show:
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