If you are a teacher in any US district right now, you hold so much power to organize against a return to in-person classes while we’re in the middle of a GLOBAL PANDEMIC. You are not a babysitter and don’t let a mayor, governor, or parent try to tell you otherwise.
You’re an educator, and can do you job safely from your home. While people will tell you that you can’t possibly give all children the education they deserve from a computer, you’ll say “too bad” and that you’ll “try your hardest” because you’d rather be partly responsible for
little Timmy not be able to read at a 2nd grade level along with his peers as opposed to jeopardizing his life, the life of his loved ones, your life, and the life of your loved ones by teaching in a windowless classroom for eight hours a day with 25+ children, who are unable to
properly social distance while they play with and misuse their masks all day. Nah, this ain’t it. You’re not going to play this game with your life and other peoples’ lives so that the rest of the country can try to carry on with business as usual when cases are still rising.
You do have a responsibility to educate your students (past, present and future) and this is an opportunity to teach them one of the biggest lessons that doesn’t come as part of a curriculum or unit plan.
Show them that this is how you stand up to a corrupt system that’s willing to risk the lives of children and adults in order to make more money.
You can follow @cierabattleson.
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