Let me say this about #TheLastofUsPartII : It's a masterpiece. A singular narrative achievement that can only be expressed as a video game. No movie, television show, novel, or album can do what TLOU2 does and I'll tell you why: complicity.
That is, I think, the same reason why some don't like it. Because, like in the first game, @Neil_Druckmann and the @Naughty_Dog crew make you confront the emotional and physical atrocities the game brings up because you have to commit them.
There is no looking away. There is no turning off the TV. There is no flipping the page. And what could've been a simple heroic revenge journey deepens and widens into a POV-shifting look at pain and trauma, swelling and crashing like waves rocking a motorboat.
You are made to do awful, ugly things. As I got to the end of the game I didn't want to be pressing certain buttons, forcing certain characters to do things. But that's precisely why #TheLastofUsPartII is so brilliant. "You can't escape the things you've done."
I powered through the game. Shot all the infected things and all the humans and, yes, too many dogs. I fell in love with astonishingly complex female protagonists, each of which is beautiful and brutal in their own ways.
And I kept stumbling through those little guitar interludes wondering why the game kept insisting I indulge in them...until I understood. And sat there, hollowed out at 1am, marveling at a game that made me feel so much.
#TheLastOfUsPartII is uncomfortable in the way that great art can be uncomfortable. It is challenging in the way that great knowledge is challenging. But it is also transcendent.
Trust me when I say this: Ellie picking up a guitar resonates at the same emotional pitch as Cap picking up a hammer. But while one might make you cheer for how full your heart feels, the other will make you ache for how empty the chords are. And that is no small miracle.
I stand in awe. And envy. Not of the storytellers, mind you. No, I'm envious of every person who gets to play it for the first time.
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