Fauci: The Bernie Madoff of Science and the HIV Ponzi Scheme that Concealed the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic

I purchased this book in March at the recommendation of a prominent anti-vaccine activist I follow. It was available online for about 3-4 days and was quickly pulled down. When it arrived, the intro let me know that this is a chapter from a complete work:
Charles Ortleb, the author, was a publisher & EIC of “New York Native” and oversaw the reporting of the very first story about the AIDS epidemic.

He refers to the AIDS epidemic as “Holocaust II” in the intro.
The newspaper was rather popular and often referred to as “The New York Native Journal of Medicine” due to the fact that it was located at ground zero of the epidemic and made a conscious decision to cover every detail of the story. 1981.
The paper noticed serious credibility gaps in CDC reports about AIDS.

“As the Govt. began to build a paradigm around the notion that AIDS was caused by a retrovirus, ultimately labeled “HIV”, I watched as credible critics of the retroviral theory were silenced and vilified...”
The paper became controversial when it began reporting on another epidemic called “chronic fatigue syndrome”.

Extensive reporting made it hard for the paper not to believe that CFS was a part of the AIDS epidemic and was linked by a virus called HHV-6.
Ortleb states that the government refused to take the HHV-6 virus seriously...
Side note: I have studied herpes viruses for many years and am familiar with HHV-6. It’s a nasty virus that affects the heart and kidneys, mostly. It can also affect the brain.

It can be a factor for children with a more recent label called PANDAS. I’m posting some info below...
back to the book.

This specific chapter focuses on Fauci and his involvement. Ortleb claims that he considers Fauci to be among the most important “architects” of Holocaust II and played a key role in creating a type of science that is abnormal, totalitarian and sociopathic.
November 2, 1984 - Fauci becomes Director of the National Institute of Health.

Fauci saw AIDS as an opportunity to grow the NIAID into a much bigger and powerful institute.

He was successful in achieving a sizable amount of funding from Congress dedicated to AIDS research.
Coincidence? You decide.

AIDS research was mostly being conducted by the National Cancer Institute. They believed they had found a virus that was the cause of AIDS.

Fauci argued that AIDS epidemic is an infectious disease and belongs with his institute.

Fauci wins.
Lots of money starts rolling in...

Fauci’s budget grows.

By 1990, NIAID’s AIDS funding is at half a billion.
Hey look! Even celebrities start to get involved and it pretty much destroys any idea that AIDS is anything other than HIV.

They played a disturbing role in squelching any scientific criticism of the HIV hypothesis through an organization called “amfAR”...
The first scientist to challenge the HIV theory was a University of a California scientist, Peter Duesberg.

amfAR went as far as sponsoring an event that was meant to be a platform for scientists such as Duesberg to express their theories and research.
Only to find out there was a hidden agenda. The forum made a great scene to discredit any HIV “pseudoscience”, and toted that the AIDS world was full of nasty and zany theories.
Duesberg noted that HIV could not be found in all AIDS cases! Fauci pretty much blames the labs and says there is “no question about it”.

Duesberg, who is a reputable in the field of retroviruses, continues to make numbers of arguments as to why HIV is not the cause of AIDS...
Fauci continues to cite unpublished lab reports and epidemiological studies out of San Francisco to discredit these theories.

And then enter Harvard. Who we’ve seen over these last few months of the pandemic pop up a time or two as being shady...

This is pretty comical:
“...there was already a tragically cozy relationship between the media and the abnormal, totalitarian and sociopathic scientists of “Holocaust II”.”

Surprise! The media is involved:
Fauci and the media:
Taking a break. I’ll write more about this chapter when I come back. #FauciFraud
Ok, I’m back to finish the Fauci Ponzi scheme thread...including the truth behind Chronic Fatigue Syndrome...
Fauci continues to become the judge and jury of what is true in science behind AIDS...and becomes the authoritarian on who reports about it and what they report about using smear campaigns, false reports and stating that the media is to blame for sharing fake info.
The book mentions the stupidity of it all, basically saying that clinical trials would have cleared it all up.

It would have taken a few patients with AIDS who had no evidence of HIV to prove whether Duesberg’s theories and those of other scientists, would prove true.
“Those HIV-negative patients would be forthcoming-in spades. In fact those patients were basically the immunocompromised Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients a doctor named Richard DuBois had seen in his Atlanta practice BEFORE the...HIV/AIDS paradigm.”
BOOM đź’Ą Here it is, the truth behind chronic fatigue. Epstein Barr Virus, cytomeglavirus and HHV-6/7/8...
In 1984, several clinicians, including DuBois, the Atlanta clinician, published a research article in the Southern Medical Journal. They had seen too many clients with an endless case of mono. They deemed it worthy of national attention, a new syndrome of importance.
This was the same year the govt. declared HIV as the official AIDS virus.


Fauci continues to ignore all HHV-6 and CFS patients and the CDC fails to acknowledge any of it.
Scientists began to report so many cases of AIDS with a lack of HIV positive results that a conference was held in Amsterdam in 1992, when a scientist isolated a new retrovirus in these patients. This should have been a pivotal moment in science and the study of AIDS, but Fauci
Fauci tells the public that HIV negative cases of AIDS are rare and demands that all HIV-negative cases of AIDS be reported immediately to him.
And thus, all the elements were in place for what the author calls “a public health ponzi scheme”
“Fauci is one of the highest paid people in the government. I leave it to the historians to figure out how much he made from his scientific Ponzi scheme.”

Referencing Dr Judy Mikovits (Fauci basically ruined her career and jailed her):
Let’s hope more truth comes to light for those who are suffering and misinformed because of this insane negligance and evil.

I have not read the rest of the book, but this chapter is definitely a testament to Fauci’s lack of credibility and intentional efforts behind AIDS.
P.S. For what it’s worth...the information the author presents verifies my research into the truth behind all autoimmune diseases, health conditions and chronic symptoms: EBV and it’s many many strains.
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