This is the story of the CSSG:

The cabinet meets to discuss how to further support students and those that are not qualifying for the CESB. They decide to make the CSSG, essentially the summer jobs program but instead of subsidising companies for work,
they pay students who volunteer since they may not find work. They decide to allocate $924m from the CESB to pay for it and send it to the non-partisan Treasury board. The Treasury board gets the proposal and looks it over, deciding on things financial,
usually they would put out a call for applications, go over them, which would get shortlisted, then they would ask for letters of intent and all sorts of paperwork, go through that and send the recommendations back to the cabinet, but since there is a pandemic,
the program is short notice, they go through the options themselves. They only look at student charities, they need someone who can work nationally since the more hires the higher the costs, they get to WE charity. Everyone's heard of it, many politicians on both sides support it
so the non-partisan board writes of the recommendation, with the payment $19.5m with $5.4m of that going to charities, the $14m left over was to cover administration and hiring teachers and others to help mentor and support the students as well as verify their hours volunteered.
If the program was a success, WE would have received another $24m to hire even more people, up to 40k total. Yes, this plan would not only help potentially 180k students but create 40k jobs. The $900m would be paid by the Treasury directly to the students just like the CESB,
they would get $1000 for 100hr volunteered up to $5000 for 500hrs. A rare win-win! The cabinet meets to go over the financial numbers and discuss the recommended parties, in this case they see only one name: WE Charity. Well this makes their job easier, for appearances,
they discuss WE for a bit, because they are supposed to, everyone agrees with the recommendation and it is done.
Then, someone gets a brilliant idea, with no regard for the students, possible jobs, or support for WE within their own party, they cry foul and run off to make a scandal because Sophie was paid by the WE 12 years ago and does a podcast for them.
Believing PMJT should have recused himself from the Cabinet meeting, they say there is a violation of the conflict of interest. But this is flimsy so they dig even deeper. They find out about Morneau's daughter and Trudeau's mother and brother being paid by ME to WE
The entire thing is now a living organism and misinformation and half truths get mixed in everywhere, clouding the issue. In the 1 week this took 35k students, 61% BIPOC, 24% rural Canadians, and 10% LGBTQ applied. The government is now going to try and recover the program.
Now federal parties are demanding a private citizen release her financial information so they can try and justify what they have done. The program is stalled and students who didn't qualify for CESB or CSJP may not be able to get financial assistance through CSSG.
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