
Let's talk about why @realDonaldTrump isn't sending in enormous numbers of uniformed federal agents and troops to stop the destruction in leftist cities.

It's because THAT woulds play into the hands of the people behind this.

Guess what they've planned?
Operation Himmler was a false flag carried out by the Nazis as a pretext to invade Poland.

German internal-security troops dressed in Polish army uniforms and attacked various border buildings.
They commandeered a radio station and broadcast in Polish, carried out vandalism, and left behind dead concentration-camp prisoners dressed in Polish uniforms.

THAT is the trap that was set for Trump.

Blaming death and destruction on HIM.
And that's why the feds are operating mostly in the shadows.

They've let themselves be filmed on a couple of occasions, but only as distractions.

We don't actually know what's going on. You don't have two months of attacks in Portland unless something big is planned.
The harsh reality is that the violence is entirely the fault of Democratic governors, mayors, police chiefs, and sheriffs.

People need to see what happens when they keep electing this people.

Republicans are not obliged to save Democrats from themselves.
There's quite a risk here.

If the people attacking cities could pull it off, they WOULD carry out an Operation Himmler.

As @AOC said, "Why not swing for the fences?"

So they are. This is the last hurrah.

All in. Balls to the wall.
Their only hope now is to stage a massacre by the feds.

This was done ALL THE TIME in Iraq and Afghanistan.

But Trump is too smart to take the bait.


You must SHAPE THE BATTLEFIELD before deploying.
The feds have spent MONTHS conducting surveillance and gathering intelligence.

We'll never know what was actually stopped.

But we know that there are "foreign elements" in the middle of all this.

That means Iran, Hezbollah, and the Islamic State.
Have you noticed that there's zero reporting on how the arson and use of IEDs was stopped?

What about "armed men in body armor were seen in cars with no license plates."


You think nobody took care of them?

Come on.
We have urban-warfare training centers ALL OVER THE COUNTRY.

They're full-scale model cities.

They do live-fire exercises.
But just because something is under control doesn't mean that there's no effort being expended.

Exactly the opposite, in fact.

This is the Big One.

NOT a civil war.

An attempt to set up Trump for a massacre.
But AS ALWAYS, people misjudged Trump.

One, he's not going to do anything impulsive or symbolic.

Two, he's not going to save Democrats from themselves.

And three, he's not going to announce anything beforehand.

The Islamic State, Iran, Venezuela, China, Russia, and the Democrats.

(The Democratic LEADERSHIP, not the voters.)

They have nothing to lose. Mary the Tank Engine speaks for them:
"Getting him out of office is a matter of life and death."


Trump is in control, but you still don't get it.

They're pulling out all the stops. The only thing that will work is a government massacre.
So STOP demanding that Trump give our enemies what they want.

Am I getting through to you?

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