Hi to everyone who has struggled or is struggling with their mental health in lockdown. Please share any tips below for coping mechanisms, things that have helped, self care, etc. 120 days in now and I’ve never felt more afraid, alone, adrift and helpless. Thankyou.
I’m especially interested in hearing from single parents and/or people who have had to navigate an unexpected breakup in lockdown. But really all (kind, practical, inexpensive) ideas are welcome. Trying to create something useful for other people here, as well as myself. TIA. x
I’ll start with some things that have helped me.

- Sleep when you need to sleep. Everything’s buggered anyway, so listen to your body if you’re able to and catnap/siesta if you need to. On the same note, if you can’t sleep at night, get up and do something instead of fretting.
- Keep a massive bowl of snacky fruit on hand for mindless can’t-be-bothered eating. I like easy peelers, bananas, jazz apples, kiwi fruits (I eat the skins as well, it’s practical and good for you and doesn’t taste fuzzy at all!) and dried fruits like figs, prunes, mango etc.
- Cheap white bread out of the bag, dipped in oil and vinegar can make you feel very fleetingly like you’re on holiday, is cheap, the work of a moment, and incredibly delicious. Been working my way through my weird vinegars doing this lately. No fucks given.
- I keep a radio on in the two rooms I’m in most, Radio 4 next to the bed and Radio 2 in the hallway loudly enough to seep into the studio-office-diner and the kitchen. Helps to fill the silence, music makes a real difference to my mood, and the talky progs are interesting.
- Reconnect with people in your phone book who you have lost touch with. They won’t all reply - sometimes when I’m in a dark place I can take weeks to reply to things. Chances are some people are also feeling bereft and lonely, so send those texts and check in.
- Reach out. Humans are social creatures and we are all living counter intuitively, shutting ourselves away. Let trusted friends know you’re not doing great and ask them if they wouldn’t mind checking in on you from time to time. 🤝
I’ll do more in the morning, sleepy now! Thanks for all the contributions, lots of love to you all ❤️❤️❤️
Also 116 123 is free to call if you’re struggling (Samaritans) - stay safe, you are worthy of love and kindness and tomorrow xxx
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