It’s wild to see my partner that looked me in the eye and said “I’ll call the cops right now, who do you think they’ll believe” in the middle of an argument now make a platform off calling out racism in medicine.
It’s really wild to see a partner who said they didn’t think they could be with a bi person when I came out to her now go by she/they and say they’re bi because they could kiss a girl but couldn’t have sex with one or date one.
It hurts to know I’ve loved and worked with a silently racist person for 5 years whose done things like deny Trump’s damage, defend her racist parents, and vehemently disagree with me about systemic racism now making a platform.. off of calling out systemic racism.
I’ve spent the morning seeing this video everywhere and on the phone with her asking for her to publicly admit to the harm she’s caused, but refuses to because she says she doesn’t want the internet to have permanent proof of the harm she’s caused to black people close to her.
I hate that nonblack people get to traumatize black people for a lifetime then make a career off realizing it was fucked up once a hashtag of a dead black person goes viral.
It’s really, really, really weird and harmful to ask someone who’s being lauded as an activist that’s holding systems accountable to hold themselves accountable for their repeated harm, just to have them say “but that might hurt my brand, so get over it”
I’d say I feel like a clown for working her through those things and using our relationship as the medium for it, but it clearly worked. And at the end of the day, I just want to see everyone become a better person. We all got stuff we’ve done that we need to reckon with.
Every time justice becomes a nationwide popular talking point, it’s nonblack people that reap the benefits.

I’m tired of movements that blindly expect black people to ignore their trauma in the name of everyone else becoming better people. Fucking tired of it.
And it pisses me off even more knowing that she’s now never going to have to be held accountable for being racist in her relationship or for the ways she’s been complicit in others’ racist harm because she’s famous.

What’s a movement even mean if we won’t let ourselves be moved?
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