1. I'm going to start a thread now that I will add to over time as I spot new things or new events occur. This thread is going to be centred around a card game I'm sure a lot of you are aware of: Illuminati New World Order by Steve Jackson Games (90's edition). Read on.
2. For those unaware of what this is, a little background: Illuminati: New World Order (INWO) is an out-of-print collectible card game (CCG) that was released in 1994 by Steve Jackson Games. You can read more here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illuminati:_New_World_Order
3. This game came to prominence again in the early 2000's when people noticed that some of the cards had striking and disturbing similarities to real world events, namely at the time, the 9/11 attacks. For example, the WTC:
4. And The Pentagon:
5. This is all the more intriguing when one considers that these cards were released in the mid 90's, years before the 9/11 attacks took place. And bear in mind, all the cards I'll be showing below are from the mid 90's and haven't been edited in anyway.
6. Since then, people have been pouring over the 450+ cards to find other similarities, AND to see if these cards hold some sort of prophetic abilities. I'll be covering cards that have already been previously highlighted by others, and adding in some of my own theories.
7. Keep in mind, some of these cards and connections to real world events require a leap of faith or some imagination, but others are quite striking. Again, bear in mind, all the cards I'll be showing below are from the mid 90's and haven't been edited in anyway.
8. One interesting fact before I continue, Steve Jackson Games was once raided by the US Secret Service on 1 March 1990. I kid you not. A rabbit hole in itself maybe...
9. Another theory is that these cards don't just predict events, but are also an attack plan, so when a card shows a disaster, it's actually a deliberately caused event to either directly attack, or trigger other events to happen. Think chess. But let's continue...
12. Princess Diana Death, 31 August 1997. Whilst the card picture alone doesn't suggest much (6 camera flashes?), the text holds a clue: "immune to attack by your rivals' Peaceful or Liberal groups... except Media.":

13. Las Vegas Mass Shooting, October 1 2017. The card shows a Jack and Ace, the same as the tattoo on Jason Aldean's arm (the performer that night who had to rush off stage when the shooting started):

14. Lady Gaga - There's a few cards which reference this bizarre woman and her weird dress sense and behaviour.
15. Lady Gaga again - this image and card has been picked up by a number of people for it's similarities.
16. Going back to the Princess Di card, as I just spotted something. 6x camera flashes and the numbers 2 and 5.
6+2+5=13. Diana's car hit the 13th pillar in the tunnel which caused her death.

17. As we're at 17, here's my own one! The Frog God. Maybe symbolises the rise of Pepe? 😆🐸
18. Back to the ones others have spotted. I'll do more of mine later. Julian Assange. This card doesn't provide much hope for him sadly...
19. Jihad and Car Bomb - the rise of ISIS and international terrorism.
20. Trump's rise to power as a Charismatic Leader.
21. Trump says "enough is enough!". The card also has a warning: "At any time, at any place, our snipers can drop you. Have a nice day."

Some see this as a threat to Trump himself. But maybe it's a threat to Antifa terrorists? You decide.

22. Early Warning. Like the early warnings that Q gives to us?
23. Coronovirus now, with the Epidemic card. I found this note on the card interesting: "This is not an instant attack. Other groups can interfere normally." Like how protesters are still allowed to protest during lock down?
24. More on Coronovirus. CDC card and GOAL card Population Reduction. Maybe the end-game plan?
25. Tsunami, 2004. It caused wide scale devastation. Note the card: "If the attack succeeds, the target is Devastated."

26. Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, 11 March 2011. Caused by an earthquake & 14m high tsunami. 18k terabecquerel (TBq) of radioactive caesium released. Warnings of tsunamis over 18ft ignored. 4 reactor buildings damaged. Note the numbers on the card.

27. Just to clarify, my Tweets from 20 on-wards have been my own thoughts and things I've spotted myself. From this point on, they will be things I have picked up on or have a theory about unless I specify otherwise 👍
28. Toppling of statues by Antifa / BLM.

Card: NEW WORLD ORDER - Don't Forget To Smash The State". The card is interesting, showing the damaged statues and how rope is being used to pull down another. The note on the card is also telling...
29. Continuing with the riots and Antifa / BLM, and their subversive Marxist agenda.
30. It's interesting today how the "wall of moms" was trending, protecting their little rioting offspring, and sure enough, there is this card below. It's all a big orchestrated game to the Elite isn't it?

31. BLM and Antifa claim to act under the guise of freedom and equality, but hide disturbing agendas.
32. Remember, these groups are ultimately just pawns to those who are really in control to serve their own agendas. Be aware of sudden re-organisation. If a protest stops in one area, it's likely to instantly occur elsewhere. The Reorganization card shows us this...
33. The Counter-Revolution card gives us hope though that these little insurgency attempts by the Liberal extremists will be stopped. Do you see the Q?!
34. The phrase "White Privilege" is a phrase used to attack and silent voices of opposition and reason. As the Privileged Attack card shows below: "Play this card when you make an attack. That attack is now Privileged."
35. Cancel Culture. Say or do something the Liberal extremists disagree with, and it's game over for you. How long will it be before they resort to more extreme ways to punish those they disagree with? As the Political Correctness card states "Good thoughts are now required" ...
36. The rise of "Fact-Checkers" which as we know, are incredibly biased and sometimes downright fake themselves. They are used to deliberately cover up ( #WayfairGate for example) and silence questions. Note on the Media Blitz card below the guy holding a "True Fax" magazine.
37. Going back to this card where I highlighted the Q on it, @Ness67336855 also pointed out the storm reference, as it's an Early Warning of a Storm coming! ThanQ Ness! Good spot!
38. Going back in time a bit to Saddam Hussein, others have mentioned that these cards possibly predicted his downfall, which lead to the various Revolutions or "Springs" across the Middle East / North Africa. What do you think?
39. The Backlash card. Many have noted that this could be Obama facing backlash from his supporters towards the end of his Presidency. However, I wonder if it will end up being a different type of backlash. Notice the P-shaped splats behind? #PizzaGate?
40. Here's a good one. The Immortality Serum card. #Adrenochrome? Notice on the card the blood pack. Also, note on the card "By the way. If you join us, you can live forever. Interested?" The temptation by the Elite.

And is that a White Rabbit on the glass?!
41. Thanks to @Ness67336855 for this one. Car Bomb card which states "Assassination!". Michael Hastings, journalist, assassinated on June 18 2013, but got covered up as a car crash. He was a vocal critic of Obama, Democratic Party, and surveillance state.

42. A recent one. June 2020: As the riots across Washington got out of control, a security fence was placed around the White House and there was talk of Martial Law, just like the card below:
43. 2020 - New York descending into anarchy as crime is left to get out of control thanks to Mayor De Blasio's atrocious leadership and deliberate scaling-back of the police, whilst allowing BLM and Antifa protests to escalate.

44. Partition Card - 2014 The splitting up of Ukraine. The Cabal would have seized it all with their fake coup had it not been for Russia seizing Crimea. The card interestingly mentions "attack, takeover, North/South Russia" & the white haired man looks a bit like butcher McCain.
45. The Partition Card and its comments on "North/South Russia" could also refer to the Russo-Georgian War 2008 between North & South Ossetia. Another attempt to weaken Russia and strengthen enemies on its borders which its stooge-actor-leaders.

46. Hurricane Katrina August 2005. Power numbers on card is 16 and 20. Storm surge of Katrina was up to 16 feet. The Mississippi River Gulf Outlet breached its levees in 20 places. Massive devastation was caused.

47. "Eat the Rich!" - BLM protesters chanting this during riots and looting. Pointed out by @SSGTChetjr

Card states: "Carefully orchestrating the media, you create an insane groundswell of anger, blaming the wealthy and powerful for everything."

48. Did someone say #PizzaGate?!

"Pizza for the Secret Meeting".

Emphasis on SECRET. But their secrets will be exposed thanks to the hidden recordings taken.

This card is a genuine one. Came out in 1996, WAY before PizzaGate was even a thing.
49. Ghislaine Maxwell & rumours she had fled to France.

These cards get more insane. Card: "Sudden European Vacation". Note the yacht in the background of the card.

"I think I need a change of scenery. In fact, I left yesterday." Hints how she was one step ahead initially.
50. Rogue Boomer card.

Remember #QAlert 1728? Rogue missile launch against Air Force One.

Card states: "The commander of a nuclear missile sub is on your payroll..."

Interestingly, at the end, it states "but then must be discarded."
51. NSA spying scandal, 2013.

NSA card states: "No Such Agency! It doesn't exist. Just ask them."

Obama in 2013 initially denied the NSA was spying on his allies' phone calls, defended the NSA and instead criticised Snowden.


52. Stormy Daniels, Jan 2018.

"Bimbo at Eleven" card states: "an Attack to Destroy any male Personality. The attack must come from a Media group."

They'll always use their whores as a dirty tactic against people who cause them problems. The plan failed.

53. Alex Jones & Ron Paul. Ron Paul has been on Alex Jones' show multiple times throughout 2000 to date. Many believe they're Freemason agents, put in place to cause deliberate dis-info & confusion. The SMOF card came out in April 1995, years before these two conspired together.
54. Trayvon Martin, Feb 26 2012.
A lot of people believe this was a false flag to deliberately cause racial tensions which of course followed. It was discovered Martin's father is a Freemason and therefore his son was a sacrifice. Thus, the "Fraternal Order" he was given...
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