A lot of twitter crackheads don’t know what libertarianism is.. which is why you see a lot of “where are the libertarians!?” and other dumb shit. So let me help you weirdos out with a thread.
Libertarianism is not merely “anti government.” We are anti-government because of our principles of private property rights and non aggression. We understand that the State violates our principles in a multitude of different ways.
Extreme libertarians like myself reject the State in its entirety because it can’t exist without violating said rights. It is predicated on it. So you make a critical error my assuming just being against the government is the starting point. That’s not how it works.
There are agents of the State that are aggressors..... but there are also non State agents that advocate things antithetical to libertarianism. There are people that are only against the CURRENT State; they just want the power for themselves to wield.
This is why I say that communists beefing with cops are just rival gang members ducking it out. Both of them want libertarians dead or at minimum reject all of their principles. So why on earth would libertarians be obligated to get in the way of that?
Especially when many groups have been advocating for the disarming of individuals for years. You’ve advocated anti property rights, anti gun, pro lockdowns, pro taxation. Pro welfare statism. You are enemies of liberty.
There’s no hypocrisy...you’re just too stupid to understand what libertarianism is. It does not require us to get in the way of rival gangs nor does it require us to take sides. You’ve rejected our principles. You Don’t get appeal to what you’ve rejected and will continue to.
So it’s hilariously stupid that people expect those that they’ve shat on to march along side them or defend them against the threat that we’ve warned against. You’re both a threat.

And you’d never return the favor.
This isn’t a “you’re not going to defend liberty because we were mean to you!”

This is a “the enemy of my enemy can also be my enemy.”

You’re both enemies of liberty.
Some libertarians may actually come to your defense. I think this is strategically foolish. But there is no obligation for them to do so for you or anybody else.

Not defending you or coming to your aid does not equal defense of the State. I can reject both parties involved.
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