本推收集了中共对中国人民犯下以及世界人民的种种反人权恶行以及荒诞的谎言。 同时也记录那些被中共网络封杀以及抹黑的人民的抗争行动

Collections of media and tweets of #CCPatrocities against chinese ppl, and records of the fights by ppl erased and smeared by ccp.

cultural revolution and political movements against humanity started by ccp.

Assembly and protest are chinese ppl's right prescribed in Constitution of the People's Republic of China.
But ccp never approves any unless it is organized by ccp itself, which inevitably makes civilian initated protest unlawful and subject to brutal crack down and arrest.
Location: Hubu village,a village of over 1,600 population in Xihu district of Hangzhou, Zhejiang prov.
Many villagers have been suffering rash, diarrhea,dizziness in recent months.

The "amazing" infrastructures that chinese common walks of life struggle to "enjoy" and ccp is desperate to cover up.
Tianjin port explosion
footage taken by some expats living near the location of explosion.

They thot it was some gas station at first, but subsequent explosions scared them so much that they had to fled from their apartment to somewhere safe.
Shameless lies by ccp and its propaganda machines.
@LiuXininBeijing, a ccp propagandist who shameless refers herself as "anchor", tweeted below.

The ccn reporter's experience tells u how ccp's let u c really works.

The "freedom of speech" that chinese ppl so happily enjoy under a socialist regime called ccp
A topic "what do u think is the ultimate evil in the world?" has been initiated on Douban, a popular web forum in mainland similar to reddit.

Someone replied "if i tell u my acct will b cancelled."

And Douban removed his reply becoz it contains radical political view.🤣🤣🤣🤣
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