The Grand Thread of my ideas to improve society. Hopefully worth reading.
Employment cannot be judged as a choice. It's that or the benefit/food bank life, which, let's face it, unless under extreme pressure or compromising conditions, no sane person would opt for. You cannot criticise workers for speaking against bad working conditions.
Representation in companies incentivises workers to work in order to grow the company so they can make decisions to improve their work life. The CEO makes a good decision - in return, he is rewarded by the workforce. I believe this reparates exploited labour.
Electricity and Water should be nationalised; for the reason that they are utilities. You cannot survive without water (it shares this with healthcare) and electricity is vital for partaking in modern society. Internet access is essentially the same.*
If the state charges for them or doesn't make a difference - either some of the money is made back by the state or it is free and the money that would pay for these utilities accesses the economy by other means. It's not about being free, just accessible and socialised.
Rail applies here - you can't compete. There's one rail. Unless you count cleanliness or run time, which private companies just cannot manage.
I also believe nationalisation of energy will make the transition into carbon neutrality easier. All combined resources can be focused on cheaper, cleaner alternatives without the worry of falling behind competitors.
I believe a Universal Basic Income should be implemented for all of those aged 16+, to replace all benefit systems. It is more effective for bringing people out if poverty, and paired with greater education creates the desire to become qualified in specialist areas...
and allows people to comfortably cover living costs whilst doing so. More on education:
University should be free, and here's why there should be more - I feel automation in the workplace should only occur if further education is supplied freely and diversely to the workforces - those over a certain age continuing work or future generations becoming qualified for...
more senior positions by default, radically changing society's general consensus on intelligence. This also creates livelihoods and well-paying careers for all. Widespread, free education makes this possible.
Free basic services - electricity, water and home internet connection - are an alternative to UBI, but may not benefit the economy as much, and UBI is probably more versatile if you are in a tight spot.
Exploited Labour - I'll try to refer more to LTV and Adam Smith later on, but here is a less specific example of pay:productivity. I'll try to include some specific companies, but this sends the general idea.
Here I'll start branching off into mini-threads for different topics:
Obvious really 🤨
Kropotkin speaks of false scarcity, others speak of exploitation and wars, and also inherent classism, racism, sexism, gender and sezuality diacrimination and other forms of repression. It's uncontrollable greed has led to literally every...
major issue we see today. Poverty, Climate Change, Resource wars cultural clashes. It also cannot abide with anybody questioning the economic orthodoxy in areas of high wealth concentration, such as the US, UK, Russia, Brazil etc - no socialist or even social democratic...
government will ever exist in these places without "violent revolution" or direct working-class action against the ruling classes. Places such as Spain, Portugal amd New Zealand which begin to delve into more leftwards systems outperform these places when comparing proportions..
in every way - Poverty, Crime, GDP, Education, Racial, Sexual and Gender rights absolutely at the forefront. Notice left-leaning systems do well when not being sanctioned. Funny.
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