This Thread is long but about one of The greatest king of our history which many of us don't know.
Rajendra chola is the only king not only conquered other places but also spread Architecture, fine arts and wonderful system of administration to those places where he ruled.
Raja Raja chola and Rajendra chola both are the true Indian Kings who took care of Indian Hindu culture very well at the same time gave a splendid administration in the places where they ruled and took care of the people.
Prosperity and Tranquility prevailed at this region of Asia when they ruled.
Also chola contribution like Big Temple in Thanjavur, Gangai konda Cholapuram Temple dedicated to lord Shiva are wonders of world but British historians gave importance to Taj Mahal only.
Also during the time of Cholas India was flourishing and during the time of Shah Jahan when Taj Mahal was built India was reeling under greatest famine.
Rajendra chola was brilliant Military General who commanded a strong navy at times
before Europeans started maritime explorations ,rajendra chola rule made Influence of Indian culture and Hindu culture in places where he ruled , without force. He is the key person to influence the great Architectural works like that of Angorvak, Combodia and so many feats
He has achieved but he never got the due respects in Indian History as a great Emperor of India which he truly deserves.The Bay of Bengal is the largest Bay in the World and the ancient name is Chola lake, which by its name depicts the Glory of Chola.
Later it changed to kalinga Sagar and then to VangaSagara But this Vangasagara is converted to Bay of Bengal by British.

Left historians always destroyed our heroes history and made us read about the invader mughals who wer looter and destroyer of out great history
Many of us don't know about chola dynasty and their contribution for the motherland.this is not my words nor I researched but I found worth to share so I made a thread

Feel proud to know about our golden history
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