A critique of the 3 most common reactions I hear when people find out I live w/narcolepsy (a thread)
1. "Wow! Do you really have narcolepsy?"

* Abled skepticism of my living reality is not a constructive response to the conscious decision I've clearly just made to disclose my disability

* Yes, we actually exist beyond Hollywood stereotypes
2. "Wait, are you allowed to drive?"

* This implies that you view my body as a threat to your personal safety on the road
* It also suggests that my body should somehow be regulated by the State

(And yes, I am allowed to drive.)
3. "Oh, that sucks!"

* This response suggests that my condition is an object of pity. I'm quite accustomed to living w/narcolepsy and while it is often challenging, I assure you that what actually sucks is that we live in an ableist world that views disability as a burden
Narcolepsy is more complex than the 5 main symptoms (excessive daytime sleepiness, cataplexy, hallucinations, sleep paralysis, disrupted sleep). I'm always happy to answer questions, but please try to avoid ones couched in ableist language.

Anyway, happy #DisabilityPrideMonth
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