1/ Morning all. Ive just been thinking about the work around equality, diversity & inclusion & I really have to be honest: I have an issue with the word ‘ally.’

It has never sat right with me & as I have looked around the Twittersphere, I am growing more & more uncomfortable...
2/ with it. To me, the term takes away the power & agency from the person who is the receiver. It connotes that the person, is incapable of getting there on their own without a ‘saviour’ to help them.

The reason minorities need allies is not because they lack ability but...
3/ because there is are real systemic problems that hinder their progression.

Sadly, in my experience, some people have used this term ‘ally’ to use it as a platform, not to further the cause, but as a way to push their own personal brand & virtue signal. They are not...
4/ interested in doing the hard graft but are interested in the media attention.

There were many people who, when George Floyd was the hot topic, contacted me to work with me. Now the attention has moved on, these people have broke off contact, moving on to the next trend...
5/ Forgive me for my cynicism, but actions like this do not fill me with confidence that long lasting change is possible.

I have confirmed this with other BAME colleagues as well.

Also some of the language around this topic can be very condescending...
6/ What grates me is the assumption that most BAME people come from the ‘hood’ or the ‘ghetto’ or to put it in an academic way a ‘disadvantaged socio-economic background.’

Yes the statistics are not great but it takes away from the BAME people who work hard & become great...
7/ contributors to society. Chris Rock once said a joke about Barack Obama. He was told by one of his friends that “America finally found a capable Black man to be President.” Rock then stated that there have always been capable Black people that could have been President...
8/ it’s only now America have recognised just one.

We don’t need ‘allies’ but ‘partners.’ I don’t need a hand up but someone to walk shoulder to shoulder with.

Equality & Diversity are not tick box exercises or something to fulfill a quota - it’s about human dignity...
9/ it’s not a hot topic or ‘trend’ to use to make you look ‘cooler,’ more ethical or ‘woke’ - it’s simply about doing the right thing.

& sometimes doing the right thing is hard. Sometimes it’s painful. Sometimes it’s not popular. That’s the problem with an ‘ally’...
10/ It’s easy to be visible when the going is good...

A partner sticks with you for the long term, doesn’t make a statement of how ‘woke’ they are every 5 minutes & consistently & earnestly, makes a path for others.

We don’t want pity. We don’t want allies. We want partners.
11/ Thank you for reading.

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