The extent to which the Khoe-Khoe , San and other related "groups" influenced amaXhosa ( actual Xhosa people). Is astounding.
(The blog/article is written in isiXhosa ). Google translate doesn't do a great job translating.
I'll start off by mentioning that amaXhosa are junior (by birth ) to the following nations : amaMpondo, amaMpondomise , especially abaThembu (that's if you beleive we are children of Sibiside). I will be a bit mixed up in how relay this thread. Please..
try to follow. The article titled: "Qamata , Thixo, Camagu - Ithini intsusa yalamagama. " Just to paraphrase the article discusses the origins of the names of the Xhosa God(/s).
1. The author of the piece starts of by mentioning how the sun , was Divine to abaThwa (The San) . The sun was so divine to the San that it was as if they worshiped the sun.
2. ( the purpose the piece)The author mentions that actually, all three names for God are San in origin , not the so called "isiNguni" .
3. The name Camagu is first discussed. There are San people who amaXhosa call/called amaJugcwantsi that lived with amaXhosa (they did not lose their identity for a reason I will mention later).There is a sentence that says "Cam amagu"...
3.1 The sentence is often "misrepresented" as one word "Camagu !" . Which means in isiXhosa "Langa sinike "( or "Langa siphe") If I roughly translate it to English "Sun give us" or "Sun gift us".
3.2 In the language of these San people (San who are of the amaJugcwantsi branch) it means "gift/give me" (in isiXhosa "Ndiphe" or "Ndinike").
3.3 What is it that these want to be gifted / given you might wonder ? it could be "Langa siphe/sinike ukhanyo" meaning "Sun give us light". This actually shows an amazing influence of amaJugcwantsi over amaXhosa.
4. With regards to Qamata , the actual word is "Q'kwamata'a" (I don't know how to pronounce that).amaXhosa and related "Nguni" groups have had tendencies to "butcher" San and Kho-Khoe names, words , etc.
4.1 The word "Q'kwamat'aa" is a reference to to summer Sun (the sun during Summer). The author of piece elaborates by mentioning that it is reference to the red Sun , red when it sets and rises.
4.2 This reference was used to mark (through indegenous knowledge systems) the "entering" of the summer season by the San.
5. The last name: "Thixo" this word comes from abaThwa (San people) who amaXhosa call amaCham (or amaCh'ram). They pronounce the name as follows "Tsuix'oab"
5.1 "Tsuix'oab" is/was used as reference to the Sun when it is covered by clouds which indicated ,to the San (amaCh'rham) , that it was about to rain.
In Ending this thread:
1. My reference and the author San is very very loose . In certain intsances the the author may be referencing to Khoe-Khoe, Khwe and San people.
2. The usage of these names amongst amaXhosa is a bit different. As the author extrapolates: , amaXhosa (and the broader "church") , amaXhosa "worship" ancestors not the Sun , but other related Nguni tribes use it related terms to "worship" the Sun.
3. As promised , it is clear that amaXhosa and the "San people" existed symbiotically. Why ? they didn't lose their identities ,amaXhosa in fact were heavily influenced in cultural practice, language as opposed to the other way around...
3.1 ...and as opposed to what colonialists wanted to believe. To be brief , amaXhosa arrived in what is the Eastern Cape roughly in 200 C.E ( I may be wrong here). In small numbers numbers actually there were far too many San , Khoe-Khoe, Khwe, etc...
[ although it has a lot of inaccuracies , there are facts worth mentioning] . I will engage on it at a later stage and juxtapose it with some of E Sihele's arguments on this and other authors.
Sometime their arrival in their small numbers amaXhosa partially adopted some aspects of San and Co they met in EC. Might also mention they were not knew to the San and Co (they had met& intercacted with as far as East Africa). Reasearch more about ...
the Khoe-Khoe and other non hunter-gatherer groups. amaXhosa have quite a lot of Khoe-Khoe, Khwe and San groups amongst themselves: more than 10 clans if I am not accurate.
{I should end it here I could cite instances of "San" over amaXhosa} I will discuss a lot about abaThembu , in the near future how their purported weakness was "revolutionary" in a sense.
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